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(Created page with "(Juli Kumari, aka Parineetaji) 240px|right 240px|right Birth Place: ,d/o- Dr. Avinash chandra jha, Banmankhi, ( a small place) Purnia, Bihar, India . Date of birth- 10.10.1983 Education: Ph.D. Hindi Literature Subject: ‘Mira ki Adhyayana Parampara me Osho ka Yogdan.’ (Osho’s contribution in the tradition of Mira) Higher Education ( Master of arts ): JNU New Delhi, India Date of sanyas- 8.2.2008 and 6.2.2023...")
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(Juli Kumari, aka Parineetaji)
(Juli Kumari, aka Sadhvi Parineetaji)


Latest revision as of 22:26, 23 June 2024

(Juli Kumari, aka Sadhvi Parineetaji)

Birth Place: ,d/o- Dr. Avinash chandra jha, Banmankhi, ( a small place) Purnia, Bihar, India .

Date of birth- 10.10.1983

Education: Ph.D. Hindi Literature

Subject: ‘Mira ki Adhyayana Parampara me Osho ka Yogdan.’

(Osho’s contribution in the tradition of Mira)

Higher Education ( Master of arts ): JNU New Delhi, India

Date of sanyas- 8.2.2008 and 6.2.2023

No interest in meditation during childhood. Also family had no interest in meditation or spirituality either. Traditional and ritualistic prayers were quite common in the family. Upto postgraduate there was no interest in meditation or spirituality. However, I was familiar with Osho. And have read some of his books.

Because of familiarity with Osho took Sanyasa on Feb 8 th, 2008 in Osho Commune Kore Gaon Park, Pune, India. Got the sanyasa name- Ma Prem Pragya. Even after this there was no interest in meditation.

It was somewhere in 2013-2014 something happened in life. Without meditation etc. the state of thoughtlessness - nirvichar entered in life. This was quite new and unfamiliar state for me then. Certainly, thoughtlessness is the first glimpse of meditation. I was unaware of this state. Also the family members could not understand this state or new developments in me. They had no such previous experience.

Along with that, dance, music, and singing started to overflow. Certain unusual mysterious things started happening as well. Whole personality began to change. Got inclined to large collection of Osho Books and audios at home. Whereas, earlier there was no interest in them. However, each moment and each day mysterious experiences started happening. With this normal way of life started changing. Felt a strong compulsory need to connect with persons in meditation. Life began to shatter. A deep turmoil was around.

Even the relationship I was in, began to change. Friends, family members, and those familiar could not understand this state. According to some it was a clear mental or psychological case ! It was strongly suggested to consult the doctor - psychiatrist or any other doctor. No communication seemed possible with persons not familiar with meditation.

Unusual, and unfamiliar mysterious experiences became more frequent. There was strong need of persons familiar with meditation and their guidances became unavoidable. This need was not a mere fluke and unnecessory. As a result I got in touch with certain Osho sanyasis.

Deep meditative experience became more and more frequent and intense. Inner dimension of life was fast changing with each day. Relations with persons of the world-outer dimension of life changed drastically. Both were two different worlds ! Diametrically opposite to one another. Explanation of such state was difficult. And even if, somehow, tried to explain, understanding on the part of the others was impossible. Relationships began to shatter and fall apart like the castle of cards.

Those unfamiliar with such meditative experiences failed to understand clearly how because of meditation relationships could crumble like this.

Significant, yet drastic changes in eating, walking, laughing, sleeping etc., started happening all around in almost in every aspect of life. Often it was impossible to sit near or be in the company of the one with no taste of meditation or any interest.

When with meditation inner life changes, and its effects start becoming clearly visible in outer life as well. Way of life, living, thinking and perception also undergoes change. Those not familiar with such things consider each step or movement as madness. Love relationship began to fall apart. This was happening with me. I had no-one who could understand my state and help in any way. No understanding! Or any effort to understand! No support from any direction. Only confusion, conflicts, and quarrels became quite frequent.

One thing important needs mentioning. If I was familiar with the world of meditation etc., from the early childhood, family could have become accustomed. Since all this happened so sudden, and was also happening at such a pace and frequency that understanding and acceptance became almost impossible.

Since I was connected with Osho, as a result saw only one possibility and shelter - osho Commune International, Pune. My entire existence was calling this out so loud and clear that I had no other option left.

Somehow meditation and spiritual world became the center of my life! Thus began the sequence of my constant travels. My travelogue! Journey began with Osho Commune International, ‘Osho Ashram’ as was known then. Moved to other Osho centers and other spiritual places in Delhi, Rishikesh, Vrindavan, Punjab, haridwar etc. Within the energy-field of these places got deeper experiences in meditation, and satsang - regular meditation retreats and sessions.

After a long turmoil a love relationship established in my life and since 2004 entered that was continuing. This relationship had deep connection in past life. Having entered in the realm of deep sadhana this became clear to me. It does not matter whether any one believes and agrees with me or not. All this is irrelevant and meaningless to me.

Generally people do not enter the world of sadhana and spirituality, as a result they cannot authenticate the events and unfinished relations of the past lives. It became quite clear to me whatever relationship or assignment is either left unfinished for any reason or gets truncated has to be finished and relive. Existence does not want anything or relationship to remain unfinished.

Because of that love relationship and fulfilling that truncated relationship, relations with parents, brother and sisters had already shattered. And now because of deep meditation and spiritual life that love relation also began to fall apart. Meditation, and inclination towards spiritual life started deepening and in the same proportion love relations started weakening and loosing ground.

I have simply indicated how and why worldly and family relations crumbled and shattered in my life. This is simply a profile. As a result details cannot be mentioned here.

Breaking up of love relationship affected both of us. But continuing that, was equally more difficult and impossible. Because of that love relation ship relations with family had already shattered. And that love companionship also shattered. I was all alone. And the only company was my inner search and journey of innerness.

During that time had no interest in studies or completing Ph. D. assignment. Topic for Ph.D thesis was Osho and Mira. That too became difficult. However, the energy of Krishna, and Mira started affecting so intensely that instead of completing thesis I would enter into dance and singing like Mira. Such dance and singing was no ordinary one, or mere dance performance that could begin or stop at will. Such was a totally different state and matter.

Whenever, participating in any Osho meditation technique, that too required dance. That dance is different than the dance of Mira. However, during the state of thoughtlessness and in other such situations the nature and effects of meditation is always of a different quality.

Within me, the state of thoughtlessness was continuous, as a result the dance as well. But that was different. Ordinary consciousness can neither understand nor imagine such inner state. Watching from one’s conditioned mind one can only misunderstand and condemn such state. Because of the limitations and scope of profile much more details could not be given here.

For some time I taught in the college as well. But I lost interest in running after job etc. Life in meditation, and satsang became everything for me. Thus all relations, status, home, family, and friends started leaving one by one. Had to face many slender remarks from others. Being a woman many situations came to remain in insecurity on road. Financial resources were meagre. Whatever gained through University scholarship { J.R. F } were used for sustenance and stay in ashrams. Whatever, financial resources I had could sustain only for a short time. No source of income at all.

Problems were coming from all sides. On one hand was life of continuous struggle, pain and suffering and on the other hand intense meditative journey. From time to time attended 10 days silent Vipashyana camps , 21 days Osho Mystic Rose meditation, and other meditation at different locations.

Ph. D. thesis completed in 2015. Sometimes during 2015 something strange yet painful and extremely serious happened in life. No one had any answer or solution for that. In such state all door seem to be closing. This statement is not because of any intense disappointment. However, for certain reasons I have to skip these. One thing is essential to mention that my spiritual energy became my inspiration and strength.

In 2017 I came to Trinidad in the Caribbean. Divine grace and my whole hearted effort brought me here in Trinidad. This was essential for reasons unexplainable. If I write this in details the each man of wisdom will consider it right. However for certain reasons not giving detailed explanation will be wisdom.

In Trinidad existence brought me in the company of a living Enlightened one. This was my good fortune and probably my only blessing in life ! Along the inward journey.

Spirituality was at the center of my life. For this the company of an living enlightened one is not only a blessing, instead my good fortune, and the fruits of my several lives of sadhana. In the light of conditions surrounding my life, the possibility and joy of meeting an awakened one cannot be expressed in words. No words can express that joy.

From 2015 until 2022 life passed through a extreme difficult yet different phase. No-one but me has really understood. And for whatever reasons others have known it was all superfluous. Not giving details due to some reasons.

From January 2023 a special process in sadhana began. Once again took initiation from Taoshobuddha on Feb 6, 2023. Keeping my inner state, condition and energy, Tao gave me one Sadhana Sutra. In spiritual life the journey is individual. Certain sadhana sutras can be generalized, however, the real ones are personalized designed according to the needs of that seeker. My sadhana sutra was according to needs. This I followed totally, with my awareness and honesty. My total energy is used in sadhana.

By grace and my good fortune I was allowed to live with Tao in his house. As a result all guidance was available at the right time.

Osho has said in his talks, whenever existence brings you in the company of a living enlightened one drown in such presence.

This is how things happened exactly in my life. Because of total surrender the process of transformation gained an unprecedented momentum.

This journey was in no way less painful and difficult than that of any past awakened one. This is not mere exaggeration. This can be understood only when detailed description is given. Various difficulties along the path, I have not mentioned in this profile.

It is erroneous that the a sick and bed ridden person cannot attain to inner flowering. These need tremendous understanding, inspiration and care on the part of the master.

Many indescribably difficult moment came in life but constant inspiration and care made everything possible.

One may ask what did I gain from such sadhana? For the sake of those on path I am indicating certain, otherwise profile will be too long.

Whatever evolves out of Sadhana is eternal and unchanging, Once such state has come, you do not have to undertake any effort to maintain that state.

1. Be always established in the present moment
2. Freedom from attachment
3. State of happiness in ones own company
4. Freedom from the emotional need of the other
5. The love that blossoms is different qualitatively than the love you had ever known
6. Inner peace
7. State of transcendence from lust - sex or Kaam
8. Constant absorption in actions without worrying about result
9. Each moment giving one’s 100%.
10. Freedom from the desire of fruits of actions
11. Highest state of certitude, patience, dedication and forbearance
12. Dissolution of anger
13. State of thoughtlessness
14. Freedom from any kind of desire
15. Always busy in the welfare of humanity
16. Perennial creativity
17. Absence of Violence, anger, negativity, and nagging
18. Freedom from the fear of death
19. Awareness of the next life. That next life will be life of freedom from the cycle of birth and death - 'moksha.' State of total health. That will be last life. In that life state of awakening like that of Osho, Raman etc. There are more about that life but purposely avoiding.
20. None of these require any further proof.
21. Cherish aloneness and joy of aloneness. Total freedom
22. Freedom from the desire of giving birth to child, Also freedom from all normal desires as a woman.
23. Freedom from pain arising out of death of any close or known, either it is mother, father, brother, friend, past lover or anyone. This does not mean living a stone like life. Life of compassion towards all known or unknown. Emotional freedom.

All this is perpetual. All this is as much as is possible to the maximum extent in the condition of this body. More than this is not possible in my body due to some specific reasons.

24. Freedom from jealousy
25. Childlike innocense but not childish.

There are some more points also. Not writing due to profile limitations.

One thing more, For certain reasons it is not possible to always live in awakened consciousness. Certainly this happens, doesn’t not matter even if mentioned in scriptures or not.

Spirituality, indeed, full of mysteries. Everything cannot be written in books. Such is Truth to be lived perennially.

Two books published- Sanatan dharma & Hindu symbols.

Blessings to entire cosmos. May all be blissful.

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Sanatan dharma
Hindu symbols