The Last Testament (Vol 1) ~ 08: Difference between revisions

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:Clips from this interview have been used in the film [[The Last Testament - Interviews with World Media (1985)]]. |
:Clips from this interview have been used in the film [[The Last Testament - Interviews with World Media (1985)]]. |
syn = Interview. Announcements by [[Ma Anand Sheela]] : (name inaudible) Kovacevic from KATU TV, Channel 2, Portland.
syn = Interview. Announcements by [[Ma Anand Sheela]] : (name inaudible) Kovacevic from KATU TV, Channel 2, Portland.
:CD-ROM on this chapter: Denise Kovacevic, KATU TV, Channel 2, Portlands, Oregon.  
:CD-ROM on this chapter: Denise Kovacevic, KATU TV, Channel 2, Portlands [sic], Oregon.  

:Question 1
:Question 1

Latest revision as of 13:23, 4 July 2024

event type interview
date & time 25 Jul 1985 pm
location Jesus Grove, Rajneeshpuram
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 28min. Quality: good.
Live music before and after the interview.
online audio
video Available, duration 1h 43min. Quality: good.
online video
see also
online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle LAST108
Most of the 166 interviews Osho gave during the Ranch era and World Tour (see The Last Testament (series)) have never been published in book form. They have been published on the CD-ROM though; there they appear under the titles The Last Testament (Vol 1) to (Vol 6).
CD-ROM on this chapter: This discourse is published in The Last Testament, Vol 1, chapter 18. See The Last Testament, Vol 1#Correspondence between this Book and the CD-ROM.
Clips from this interview have been used in the film The Last Testament - Interviews with World Media (1985).
Interview. Announcements by Ma Anand Sheela : (name inaudible) Kovacevic from KATU TV, Channel 2, Portland.
CD-ROM on this chapter: Denise Kovacevic, KATU TV, Channel 2, Portlands [sic], Oregon.
Question 1
Probably the first question on my mind is, what is it about you, what is it about your religion, that people find so appealing? We see people like Isabel and Sheela and Sarita and k.d., people that we think are like ourselves, and see what they have here, and we ask ourselves, what is it about you and this place that is so attractive to people?
Question 2
But are you really an ordinary man? When we see the people who are part of the commune and who subscribe to your way of life, they seem to worship you, and they treat you with reverence, they treat you with respect that, perhaps, they would not treat other people. So do you really consider yourself an ordinary man? You call yourself the enlightened one.
Question 3
But they do give it, and they do not treat you as an equal.
Question 4
I hope you're not waiting for an answer. I really don't know. I'm supposed to ask the questions. If you say that you are not their leader, what do you do for them? Do you just set an example? What do you offer them?
Question 5
Simply and briefly: Is there a way that you can help the public understand what it is to be a sannyasin? I will give you an example: most people are familiar with Christianity and Christians. They believe that Christ is the savior, the messiah. Christians try to live their lives according to a certain set of standards. Can you give me something brief like that for how sannyasins live?
Question 6
So there is no such thing as a bad sannyasin, like there is a bad Christian, or...?
Question 7
So, if there is no good and bad and no judging, how does one know if he is improving? Or is there even a need to improve? Or is that up to the individual? Okay, am I happy with what I am doing now, am I happy with the level I am at now?
Question 8
You know, I'm not very familiar with the Bible. I do know a little bit about it. But what you just said is almost something that I think is in the Bible: that answers are there, you just have to open your eyes and see them. Everything that you need is here right now. You just have to open yourself up to it. The answers are all there.
Question 9
What do you think of those of us who do not subscribe to your way of life?
Question 10
Does that amuse you?
Question 11
How many sannyasins are there now throughout the world? We had heard that perhaps your numbers were shrinking and there were not as many.
Question 12
It appears that most of the people in top, or visible positions anyway, in the commune and within the organization and the religion are women. Why? How did that come to be?
Question 13
And women are important to you?
Question 14
... And we have only met.... Do you think that -- this is getting interesting -- do you think that women are necessarily better than or more important than, or perhaps smarter than men?
Question 15
Is there a special woman in your life? Or do you have many?
Question 16
Well, okay, other than this moment, is there a companion that you share your life with?
Question 17
How can something so fleeting give a man roots then?
Question 18
What will the children play?
Question 19
In how many years?
Question 20
How were you raised? Were you raised in the same way?
Question 21
How old were you when they finally understood?
Question 22
How old were you when you started rebelling?
Question 23
Question 24
At four?
Question 25
Was there anyone that you admired when you were growing up?
Question 26
Well, Bhagwan, then we know you're not married; we know you get to eat your meals in peace. How do you spend the rest of your day? Do you meditate a lot? Do you get involved in any kind of physical activity? What do you do in a typical day?
Question 27
What exactly do you do in the bathroom for three hours a day? Or should we not discuss that on videotape?
Question 28
What do you do for fun? What do you do for recreation?
Question 29
It would take about an hour to select one out of ninety, I imagine....
Question 30
Do you ever get bored or tired of routine?
Question 31
How is your health? You seem to be looking very well.
Question 32
Well, that's all the questions I really have -- unless there is anything else that you would like to add. Is there a message, anything that you would like to say?
Question 33
Knowing what you know about human nature, can't you understand how some Oregonians might feel threatened by your presence here?
Question 34
If the tables were turned, would you perhaps not feel threatened if Oregon were yours and a small unknown group came in, would you not maybe feel threatened?
Question 35
How old are you?
Question 36
Could you be a bit more specific?
Question 37
What happens after death? That's an interesting question. You will come back in another body?
Question 38
When did you become enlightened? How old were you? Was it this life for you?
Question 39
What about others? What about the sannyasins: when they die, when they leave this life, will they come back as humans?
Question 40
So then, is the ultimate experience to become enlightened, so that when you do leave this life you no longer have to carry around the prison of your body?


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