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Revision as of 07:58, 10 March 2022

event type interview
date & time 31 Jul 1985 pm
location Jesus Grove, Rajneeshpuram
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 59min. Quality: good.
online audio
video Available, duration 2h 20min. Quality: good.
online video
see also
online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle LAST114
CD-ROM on this chapter: This discourse is published in The Last Testament, Vol 1, chapter 25.
Interview. Announcements by Ma Prem Savita : Roberta Green from Santa Ana Register
CD-ROM on this chapter: Roberta Green, Santa Ana Register, Orange County, California.
Question 1
Edited excerpt: 13min 49sec, parts of question 1 **
The 'Santa Ana Register' is in orange county, which is appropriate, I think. I've done many articles about Rajneeshees; I did some about Geetam ashram, and I've done several about Utsava in Laguna beach, but I never thought I'd get the chance to come here! That takes care of my questions!
They said it was safe to tell you that I'm a little nervous!
One of the things that I've read that you've said, and I've heard you say it on videotape, is that you tell a few jokes to wake the world up. When did the world go to sleep? And is it waking up?
Question 2
Who are you?
Question 3
Is there such a thing as God?
Question 4
What is within us? You talk about turning inward. What does that really mean?
Question 5
Doesn't that seem sort of boring?
Question 6
What does it take to wake someone up?
Question 7
I just spent two weeks covering Billy Graham, who is a Southern baptist evangelist.
What do you think of him and people like him?
Question 8
Well, Rajneeshees love you. Are you giving them what they want?
Question 9
Then why are they still here?
Question 10
Does that mean that they are awake?
Question 11
Like what?
Question 12
Do you only hit people who want to be hit?
Question 13
Why are some people afraid of you?
Question 14
Wouldn't Jesus be pretty upset with the scene that you are describing? I mean, he said things like, "take up your cross," and "lose your life to find it," which isn't like what you're talking about.
Question 15
Speaking of Rolls Royces, two questions. One is, why Rolls Royces and not Ferraris? And the other is, what does waking up have to do with the material world? I read all these wire stories that people say that they asked you if you're the guru to the rich. And there are all these Rolls Royces and there's all this money, all this stuff... This is a beautiful place, and it obviously didn't come from nowhere. What does waking up have to do with the material world?
Question 16
Why do you care?
Question 17
A couple of years ago, you talked about the world coming to an end -- earthquakes, floods and wars and things. Is that still happening? Do you still see that coming to happen?
Question 18
What do you think the odds are?
Question 19
Is that why you have decided to talk to the press, and also to start talking again? Because it's somehow the moment?
Question 20
This morning in discourse you said that someone who has a slave is a slave to that slave. And I wonder, watching the two men with guns and reading about the threats on your life and the threats on this community, what people who would want to do that kind of harm are enslaved to? And I wonder if you're afraid?
Question 21
Could we talk about sex? What place does it have in relationships between human beings?
Question 22
Do those laws change?
Question 23
Where did it come from?
Question 24
Do you think things like bioengineering would produce people that would be more likely to want to be awake?
Question 25
Are you concerned about the world population?
Question 26
Do you advocate enforced birth control or sterilization?
Question 27
What about diseases like AIDS?


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