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'''Oct 1969 Dwarka''': Dwarka is a major sacred pilgrimage site for Hindus, said to be an ancient capital of Krishna. Neeten says that no meditation camp could be held there because of its holiness, so Osho apparently only delivered discourses. This does not fit entirely with the statement regarding the "Floating and Dying Meditation (Bahana aur Mritana), introduced in Dwarka camp above, given final form in Chowpatti, Mumbai, at the Birla Kreeda Kendra". So we shall see.
'''Oct 1969 Dwarka''': Dwarka is a major sacred pilgrimage site for Hindus, said to be an ancient capital of Krishna. There is conflicting information about this camp in different sections of Neeten's OSB. In his Bombay section, he says that no meditation camp could be held there because of its holiness, so Osho apparently only delivered discourses. In his Jabalpur section, he has a fair bit of info about meditations there, including the Floating and Dying Meditation (Bahana aur Mritana), introduced at Dwarka and given final form later in Mumbai. As of this writing, his OSB has a huge amount of unprocessed raw data, so we'll have to see how this shakes down. -- doofus-9 06:03, 15 March 2016 (UTC)


Revision as of 06:03, 15 March 2016

Notes are arranged chronologically, according to camp dates. Sources cited repeatedly below are Neeten (see Osho Source Book link at his page), Gyan Bhed and "Doc X".

1962/3: More info on both the Jabalpur proto-camps can be found at Neeten's Jabalpur section (see Osho Source Book link at his page)

Jun 1964: Ranakpur is also rendered as Rankpur and Ranakput; Osho and some others say the camp was at Muchala Mahavir (with variants Muchhal, Muchhala, Mahavira and in all combinations), a half-hour drive from Ranakpur village. Perhaps it can all be considered Ranakpur district (tehsil?). Current net info suggests Muchala Mahavir is little more than a Jain temple ruin, though splendid enough to be on the tourist map. -- Sarlo (talk) 21:11, 28 May 2014 (PDT)

Feb 1965 Mahableshwar: It may be necessary to note the history of this entry to sort out a conflict among sources: originally, info was from Gyan Bhed and consisted only of a date and Mahableshwar. In Mar 2014, "Dhyan Sutra" was added as the discourse series, based on Doc X as a source, while querying Doc X's dates (Feb 12-15 as opposed to Gyan Bhed's Feb 12-14). That addition was consistent with previous info @ the Dhyan Sutra page which mentioned an undated camp at Mahableshwar, and "improved" it. At that time, the Dhyan Sutra page was also updated to include these dates. Now an alternative series for those dates has come along, Dhyan Darshan, via Neeten. FWIW, both Neeten and Doc X's dates are Feb 12-15, so i'll update the dates but leave Dhyan Sutra for now -- Sarlo (talk) 09:19, 13 July 2014 (PDT)

Mar 1966: About Karm Aur Dhyan (कर्म और ध्यान), it was previously written that Doc X is the only source for this "discourse series" from Ahmedabad. Now Neeten has also confirmed it, on the same date. -- Sarlo (talk) 09:26, 23 August 2014 (PDT)

May 1966 Udaipur: It is speculative that the discourse series is Apne Mahin Tatol (अपने माहिं टटोल), but that series is at SOME camp in Udaipur and fits in all respects, including its ten discourses in four days, the intense camp structure described by Neeten. As well, it is the first known camp in Udaipur after the 1964 Ranakpur camp, where Bhuribai first showed up and her book was an item of discussion -- updated Sarlo (talk) 09:44, 3 August 2014 (PDT)

Feb 1969 GJ: Neeten's Jabalpur section has some material concerning the three-day camp from Feb 13-15. It began in the morning of the first day and so could have as many as six discourses. Gyan Bhed has it as four talks ("sermons") and names Baroda as the place. He writes at some length about an "incident" there where someone threw a shoe at Osho during the talk on the 14th.

Then Gyan Bhed has Osho returning to Mumbai, with a talk on the 16th at Bombay University on "Students and Sex", then a series of undated talks in Nagpur, Nasik and Rajkot, ending up in Junagadh the night of the 24th before beginning the "Exploring Truth" series there. (The order of the undated talks was given somewhat informally as noted but a more "sensible" travel arrangement would be Nasik first.) -- updated doofus-9 17:23, 19 January 2016 (UTC)

Mar-Apr 1969 Patna: Lots more can be read at Neeten's Osho Source Book, Jabalpur section. He has collected stories from Gyan Bhed, Ageh Bharti and Osho about this event.

Oct 1969 Dwarka: Dwarka is a major sacred pilgrimage site for Hindus, said to be an ancient capital of Krishna. There is conflicting information about this camp in different sections of Neeten's OSB. In his Bombay section, he says that no meditation camp could be held there because of its holiness, so Osho apparently only delivered discourses. In his Jabalpur section, he has a fair bit of info about meditations there, including the Floating and Dying Meditation (Bahana aur Mritana), introduced at Dwarka and given final form later in Mumbai. As of this writing, his OSB has a huge amount of unprocessed raw data, so we'll have to see how this shakes down. -- doofus-9 06:03, 15 March 2016 (UTC)

Mar 1970 Ludhiana: Specific dates were found in Neeten's Jabalpur section for this event, Mar 21-24, but they conflict with e-book data for Aath Pahar Youn Jhumte (आठ पहर यूं झूमते), which have him in Pune on Mar 21 and 22. We await developments. See also notes below.

Feb 1973, Anandshila: was a piece of land donated for Osho's use by Sw Anand Sagar and Ma Anand Saroj and for a while was to be the World HQ of his movement, which had then become known as Neo-Sannyas International. It turned out to be unsuitable and was soon superseded by the ashram in Pune. Gyan Bhed has it located in the Trimurti Hills near Kalyan, Osho World on "an island at Ambernath" and Neeten "on 254 acres of land at Trimurti Hill, between Ambernath and Kalyan, 37 miles from Bombay". Neeten also has an excerpt from the Sannyas (magazine) of the time which has it at 125 acres but still 37 miles from Woodlands (Osho's residence in Mumbai), and which mentions that the island project is dropped, with "Tri Murti Hill" a kind of sacred site "with very ancient natural stone carving of a spiritual nature." Still can't find it or Trimurti Hill or Hills on a map. -- updated doofus-9 (talk) 19:46, 10 December 2014 (PST)

Feb 1973, Samadhi Ke Sapt Dwar: It was previously thought that Sadhana Sutra belonged here, sharing the Anandshila camp with New Alchemy, a "natural" dancing partner in that both have the same subject, Mabel Collins and her book Light on the Path. But that became unsupportable when the Sapt Dwar e-book was looked into. That e-book is well organised and is consistent and clear about this. In fact, New Alchemy's 17-chapter Appendix, which IS from this camp, has mostly fairly short talks, making Sapt Dwar the major series from this camp, in terms of hours.

Apr 1973, Sadhana Sutra: It is still not 100% certain that Sadhana Sutra occurred in tandem with New Alchemy even in this camp, but it seems the most sensible place, and is similar to the way That Art Thou occurred together with the three Hindi Upanishad series at Mt Abu earlier. Anyone know for sure? -- doofus-9 (talk) 22:13, 12 December 2014 (PST)

Other Matters

you just added a date to the 1970 Ludhiana PB : 21 - 24 Mar.

that clashes with :

21 Mar 1970 Pune (Poona) Discourse Hindi Aath Pahar Youn Jhumte, # 6 **
22 Mar 1970 Pune (Poona) Discourse Hindi Aath Pahar Youn Jhumte, # 7 **

--Rudra (talk) 03:53, 7 December 2015 (UTC)

Yes, good catch, i checked the sources and they have been transcribed here correctly: the OW e-book for Aath Pahar and Ageh Bharti's notes via Neeten for Ludhiana. Neither is infallible, so i put it back to how it was. -- doofus-9 20:17, 7 December 2015 (UTC)

I removed the following item from the Timeline:

|  two camps at Nargol, dates unknown
| ie sometime after mid-Dec 1969 and before May 2, 1970

I had put it in in May 2014 possibly based on a mis-reading of Neeten's OSB and/or possibly he is wrong. Anyway, for now it looks doubtful that there are two missing Nargol camps in the short time span envisaged. -- doofus-9 23:14, 4 February 2016 (UTC)