Osho Books on CD-ROM: Difference between revisions

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(removed incorrect data. Undo revision 81159 by Dhyanantar (talk))
Line 455: Line 455:
*''[[The Psychology of the Esoteric]]'':
*''[[The Psychology of the Esoteric]]'':
:Dates and ArchiveCodes of the chapters are wrong. They in fact refer to the chapter numbers of [[The Inward Revolution]], which have a completely different order. See [[Talk:The Psychology of the Esoteric|the book's discussion]] for more information.
:Dates and ArchiveCodes of the chapters are wrong. They in fact refer to the chapter numbers of [[The Inward Revolution]], which have a completely different order. See [[Talk:The Psychology of the Esoteric|the book's discussion]] for more information.
:Ch.7 has incorrect date "25 March 1971 pm". It should be "25 February 1971 pm" as the Arcive Code 7102255.
:Ch.12 has wrong date and Archive code. They are the same as in Ch.10. They should be "10 February 1971 pm" and "7102105".

*''[[The Rainbow Bridge]]'':
*''[[The Rainbow Bridge]]'':

Revision as of 14:53, 6 January 2018

A collection of all first editions of Osho's books in English, published and unpublished, plus approximately thirty books translated from Hindi, on CD-ROM.
The books are presented in a searchable Folio Views database.
See below for details of history, features, limitations and availability.
time period of Osho's original talks/writings
number of discourses/chapters


Osho Books on CD-ROM

Year of publication : 1994-06
Publisher : Osho International Foundation, London
ISBN (No printed ISBN on the CD) (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages :
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : E
Edition notes : First edition. June 1994. © Osho International Foundation. Produced by Osho International London.
  • Header.


  • Osho Books on CD-ROM

    Year of publication : 1994-12
    Publisher : Osho International Foundation, London
    ISBN (No printed ISBN on the CD) (click ISBN to buy online)
    Number of pages :
    Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : E
    Edition notes : December 1994. © 1994 Osho International Foundation. Produced by Osho International London.
  • Header.


  • Osho Books on CD-ROM

    Year of publication : 1995-04
    Publisher : Osho International Foundation, London
    ISBN (No printed ISBN on the CD) (click ISBN to buy online)
    Number of pages :
    Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : E
    Edition notes : Version 2.0, Second edition, April 1995, Windows version
  • Back side

    Back side

  • CD-ROM


  • titles included on the CD-ROM

    The list below shows the 303 titles included in the first editions of the CD-ROM (1 and 1.01).
    Sixteen never-published-in-hard-copy Darshan Diaries (marked with **) were no longer included in the second edition (2.0).
    The 99 Names of Nothingness
    Above All Don't Wobble
    Ah, This!
    Ancient Music in the Pines
    And Now, And Here, Vol 1
    And Now, And Here, Vol 2
    And the Flowers Showered
    The Art of Dying
    Be Realistic: Plan for a Miracle
    Be Still and Know
    The Beginning of the Beginning
    Believing the Impossible Before Breakfast
    Beloved of My Heart
    The Beloved, Vol 1
    The Beloved, Vol 2
    Beware of Socialism
    Beyond Enlightenment
    Beyond Psychology
    Blessed Are the Ignorant
    Bodhidharma: The Greatest Zen Master
    The Book of Wisdom
    Books I Have Loved
    The Buddha Disease
    The Buddha: The Emptiness of the Heart
    Christianity: The Deadliest Poison and Zen: The Antidote to All Poisons
    Come Follow to You, Vol 1
    Come Follow to You, Vol 2
    Come Follow to You, Vol 3
    Come Follow to You, Vol 4
    Come, Come, Yet Again Come
    Communism & Zen Fire, Zen Wind
    A Cup of Tea
    The Cypress in the Courtyard
    ** Dance till the Stars Come Down from the Rafters
    Dance Your Way to God
    Dang Dang Doko Dang
    The Dhammapada, Series 1
    The Dhammapada, Series 2
    The Dhammapada, Series 3
    The Dhammapada, Series 4
    The Dhammapada, Series 5
    The Dhammapada, Series 6
    The Dhammapada, Series 7
    The Dhammapada, Series 8
    The Dhammapada, Series 9
    The Dhammapada, Series 10
    The Dhammapada, Series 11
    The Dhammapada, Series 12
    The Diamond Sutra
    Death Is Divine
    Dimensions Beyond the Known
    The Discipline of Transcendence, Vol 1
    The Discipline of Transcendence, Vol 2
    The Discipline of Transcendence, Vol 3
    The Discipline of Transcendence, Vol 4
    The Divine Melody
    Dogen: The Zen Master (CD-ROM title: Dogen, the Zen Master: A Search and a Fulfillment)
    Don't Bite My Finger, Look Where I'm Pointing
    Don't Just Do Something, Sit There
    Don't Let Yourself Be Upset by the Sutra, rather Upset the Sutra Yourself
    Don't Look Before You Leap
    Early Letters to Ma Yoga Sohan and Ma Dharm Jyoti (CD-ROM title: Letters)
    Early Talks
    The Earthen Lamps
    Ecstasy: The Forgotten Language
    ** Eighty Four Thousand Poems
    The Empty Boat
    The Eternal Quest
    ** Even Bein' Gawd Ain't a Bed of Roses
    Far Beyond the Stars
    Finger Pointing to the Moon
    ** Fingers Pointing to the Moon
    The First Principle
    The Fish in the Sea Is Not Thirsty
    For Madmen Only
    From Bondage to Freedom
    From Darkness to Light
    From Death to Deathlessness
    From Ignorance to Innocence
    From Misery to Enlightenment
    From Personality to Individuality
    From Sex to Superconsciousness
    From the False to the Truth
    From Unconsciousness to Consciousness
    The Further Shore
    Get Out of Your Own Way!
    Glimpses of a Golden Childhood
    God Is Dead, Now Zen Is the Only Living Truth
    God Is Not for Sale
    God's Got a Thing About You
    ** Going All the Way
    The Golden Future
    ** The Golden Wind
    The Goose Is Out
    The Grass Grows by Itself
    The Great Challenge
    The Great Nothing
    The Great Path
    The Great Pilgrimage: From Here to Here
    The Great Secret
    The Great Transcendence
    The Great Zen Master Ta Hui
    The Guest
    Guida Spirituale
    Hammer on the Rock
    Hari Om Tat Sat
    The Heart Sutra
    The Heartbeat of the Absolute
    The Hidden Harmony
    Hidden Mysteries
    The Hidden Splendor
    Hsin Hsin Ming: The Book of Nothing
    Hyakujo: The Everest of Zen
    ** I Am Not As Thunk As You Drink I Am
    I Am That
    I Am the Gate
    I Celebrate Myself: God Is No Where, Life Is Now Here
    I Say unto You, Vol 1
    I Say unto You, Vol 2
    ** If You Choose to Be with Me, You Must Risk Finding Yourself
    ** The Imprisoned Splendor
    In Search of the Miraculous, Vol 1
    In Search of the Miraculous, Vol 2
    The Inner Journey
    The Invitation
    ** Is the Grass Really Greener...?
    Isan: No Footprints in the Blue Sky
    Jesus Crucified Again, This Time in Ronald Reagan's America
    Joshu: The Lion's Roar
    Just Around the Corner
    Just Like That
    ** Just the Tip of the Iceberg
    Krishna: The Man and His Philosophy
    Kyozan: A True Man of Zen
    The Language of Existence
    The Last Testament (Vol 1)
    The Last Testament (Vol 2)
    The Last Testament (Vol 3)
    The Last Testament (Vol 4)
    The Last Testament (Vol 5)
    The Last Testament (Vol 6)
    Lead Kindly Light
    Let Go!
    Light on the Path
    Live Zen
    The Long and the Short and the All
    Ma Tzu: The Empty Mirror
    The Madman's Guide to Enlightenment
    The Mahageeta, Vol 1
    Meditation: The Art of Ecstasy
    Meet Mulla Nasruddin
    The Messiah, Vol 1
    The Messiah, Vol 2
    The Miracle
    ** The Miracle (2) (DD)
    The Mustard Seed
    My Way: The Way of the White Clouds
    Nansen: The Point of Departure
    The New Alchemy: To Turn You On
    The New Dawn
    ** Nirvana Now or Never
    Nirvana: The Last Nightmare
    The No Book
    ** No Man Is an Island
    No Mind: The Flowers of Eternity
    No Water, No Moon
    Notes of a Madman
    Nothing to Lose but Your Head
    Nowhere to Go but In
    ** The Old Pond ... Plop
    Om Mani Padme Hum
    Om Shantih Shantih Shantih
    One Seed Makes the Whole Earth Green
    Only Losers Can Win in This Game
    The Open Door
    The Open Secret
    The Original Man
    The Osho Upanishad
    The Passion for the Impossible
    The Path of Love
    The Path of the Mystic
    The Perennial Path: The Art of Living
    The Perfect Master, Vol 1
    The Perfect Master, Vol 2
    The Perfect Way
    Philosophia Perennis, Vol 1
    Philosophia Perennis, Vol 2
    Philosophia Ultima
    Philosophy of Non-Violence
    Press Conferences in English (CD-ROM title: Press Conferences)
    The Psychology of the Esoteric
    The Rainbow Bridge
    The Razor's Edge
    The Rebel
    The Rebellious Spirit
    Returning to the Source
    The Revolution
    Revolution in Education
    Rinzai: Master of the Irrational
    Roots and Wings (CD-ROM title: A Bird on the Wing)
    A Rose Is a Rose Is a Rose
    The Sacred Yes
    Sat Chit Anand
    Satyam Shivam Sundram
    ** Scriptures in Silence and Sermons in Stones
    The Search
    The Secret
    The Secret of Secrets, Vol 1
    The Secret of Secrets, Vol 2
    Seeds of Wisdom
    Sermons in Stones
    The Shadow of the Bamboo
    The Shadow of the Whip
    Silent Period
    Snap Your Fingers, Slap Your Face and Wake Up!
    Socrates Poisoned Again After 25 Centuries
    The Sound of One Hand Clapping
    A Sudden Clash of Thunder
    Sufis: The People of the Path, Vol 1
    Sufis: The People of the Path, Vol 2
    The Sun Behind the Sun Behind the Sun
    Sun of Consciousness
    The Sun Rises in the Evening
    The Supreme Doctrine
    The Sword and the Lotus
    Take It Easy, Vol 1
    Take It Easy, Vol 2
    The Tantra Vision, Vol 1
    The Tantra Vision, Vol 2
    Tantra: The Supreme Understanding
    Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 1
    Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 2
    Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 1
    Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 2
    Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 1
    Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 2
    Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 3
    Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 4
    That Art Thou
    The Tongue-Tip Taste of Tao
    The Transmission of the Lamp
    The True Name, Vol 1
    The True Name, Vol 2
    The True Sage
    Theologia Mystica
    This Is It
    This Very Body the Buddha
    This. This. A Thousand Times This
    Thus Spake Mulla Nasrudin (CD-ROM title: Thus Spake Mulla Nasruddin)
    Thy Will Be Done
    Turn On, Tune In and Drop the Lot
    Turning In (2)
    The Ultimate Alchemy, Vol 1
    The Ultimate Alchemy, Vol 2
    Unio Mystica, Vol 1
    Unio Mystica, Vol 2
    Until You Die
    Vedanta: Seven Steps to Samadhi
    Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, First Series
    Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, Second Series
    Walk Without Feet, Fly Without Wings and Think Without Mind
    Walking in Zen, Sitting in Zen
    The Way of Tao
    The Way of Tao, Part II
    What Is Rebellion?
    What Is, Is, What Ain't, Ain't
    When the Shoe Fits
    Where Are the Gandhians
    The White Lotus
    The Wild Geese and the Water
    Wings of Love and Random Thoughts
    Wisdom of Folly
    The Wisdom of the Sands, Vol 1
    The Wisdom of the Sands, Vol 2
    Won't You Join the Dance?
    YAA-HOO! The Mystic Rose
    Yakusan: Straight to the Point of Enlightenment
    Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol 1
    Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol 10
    Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol 2
    Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol 3
    Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol 4
    Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol 5
    Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol 6
    Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol 7
    Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol 8
    Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol 9
    You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet
    Zarathustra: A God That Can Dance
    Zarathustra: The Laughing Prophet
    The Zen Manifesto: Freedom from Oneself
    Zen: The Diamond Thunderbolt
    Zen: The Mystery and the Poetry of the Beyond
    Zen: The Path of Paradox, Vol 1
    Zen: The Path of Paradox, Vol 2
    Zen: The Path of Paradox, Vol 3
    Zen: The Quantum Leap from Mind to No-Mind
    Zen: The Solitary Bird, Cuckoo of the Forest
    Zen: The Special Transmission
    Zen: Zest, Zip, Zap and Zing
    The Zero Experience
    Zorba the Buddha


    Osho Books on CD-ROM employs wikipedia:Folio Views, state of the art software for indexing and searching text. Initially, all of Osho's books were collated using wikipedia:SilverPlatter technology, but it was replaced by Folio Views because it had too many limitations.
    The advantages of Folio Views were two-fold: it allowed for negative indexing, meaning that the indexed data was smaller than the original data, and it had a very good search engine allowing proximity searches.


    The uniqueness of Folio's search tools is likely less because of their technical genius and more just because the market for such software is fairly limited, so that even now it has not been much developed. The history above referred to proximity searches. The basic building block of this function is first grouping all the words into paragraph units, so that searching for two or more words at once finds all their occurrences in the same paragraph. Other indexing engines do this too, but Folio added boolean and other search modes, "or," "not," exact quote, "wild card" modes and so on, and its pièce de résistance, a search for two words with a specified closeness, eg within six words of each other.
    Another feature of the CD-ROM/Database is its treasure trove of unpublished books. These are books whose text has been through a rough edit but never went further than that to actual publication. There are sixteen such Darshan Diaries, six volumes of Last Testaments and a few other books, most of which will likely never be published. Thus this is the only form in which this significant portion of Osho's oeuvre is available anywhere.
    The CD-ROM also introduced us to the Archive Code. The Archive Code is a 7-digit code to uniquely identify any lecture by its date and time of day it was spoken:
    e.g. I Am the Gate, lecture 1 is 7104140, i.e. 1971 April 14 morning,
    The Zen Manifesto: Freedom from Oneself, lecture 11 is 8904105, i.e. 1989 April 10 evening.
    The last digit represents the time of day, where morning = 0 and evening = 5.


    One obvious limitation is that it is only useful for searches in English. A Hindi equivalent may happen eventually.
    Furthermore, Folio Views is a Windows based product and has never been ported to OS X, Linux or other Unix platforms.


    The CD-ROM was available as an authorised commercial product briefly in 1994-95, but this was discontinued. Thereafter it was available on the web, especially in some countries such as India and Russia, which are out of reach of copyright claims by OIF, or via torrents.
    Notably, there is a site in India where it can be downloaded directly. As of August 2016 this is a newer version, that also works with Windows 7, 8 and 10.


    Note that this is not intended to cover OCR "typos," as there are many and this is not our purview here. Also, in the early 90s there WAS an ongoing file being kept in Publications of all editing improvements needed for the next edition, relating to mistakes in the hard copy (plenty of them too, inevitable when you consider the pressures of putting out three new books a month). This errata section is for CD-ROM "admninistrative" errors.
    • The third Appendix, Listing of Titles to Minititles, sounds very bureaucratese without much wide application, but a wealth of information is actually there with clues relevant to all kinds of questions. And there are a few errors.
    The minititles are used (optionally) in searches to limit searches to any one book or group of books. Beyond that, the appendix lists all known English titles, what type of book, and whether their text is included in the CD-ROM. A "Yes" in the last column is what indicates that. Several books have that "Yes" but are not actually in. They are:
    A Must for Contemplation Before Sleep (a compilation of published and unpublished darshan diaries)
    A Must for Morning Contemplation (a compilation of published and unpublished darshan diaries)
    At the Feet of the Master (a compilation of published and unpublished darshan diaries)
    The Mind of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (a compilation, texts of unknown origins)
    The Book of Wisdom, Vol 1 and The Book of Wisdom, Vol 2, both parts of The Book of Wisdom
    In addition, Finger Pointing to the Moon and Silent Period are actually in the CD-ROM, accessible in all the usual ways, but not listed in this Appendix, with or without a "Yes."
    And a few miscellanies for this Appendix:
    1) Where Are the Gandhians is listed in two ways in this Appendix, as that and as Where Are the Ghandians, with only the latter getting the official "Yes," complete with minititle GHANDI, while only GANDHI is to be actually found in the CD-ROM, correctly. And Where Are the Gandhians listed as Where Are the Gandhians?
    2) Not exactly a mistake but still fairly irregular: The Mustard Seed is listed in this Appendix as an alt-title, minititle MSEED and no "Yes," while the other listing, Seeds of Revolution: My Most Loved Gospel on Jesus does get a "Yes." The actual entry in the CD-ROM mixes the two titles as The Mustard Seed: My Most Loved Gospel on Jesus, and gives it the minititle SEEDS. Oh well.
    3) The Inward Revolution is counted as a Hindi Translation, which it is not, and NOT in the CD-ROM, which it is, though under its other title, The Psychology of the Esoteric (see also this errata for that book). And while we're here, neither title is mentioned in the Appendix "Listing of Title Changes."
    The text for this book on the CD-ROM -although called A Bird on the Wing- is mostly the text of Roots and Wings, it does not contain the edits of A Bird on the Wing. And it also has the minititle WING.
    The text for this volume on the CD-ROM -although called Come Follow to You- is actually the text of Come Follow Me, Vol 1. The text seems hardly edited, and the chapter names are those of Come Follow Me, Vol 1.
    Although we were not able to check, we can assume that the same goes for Come Follow to You, Vol 2.
    Come Follow to You, Vol 3 and Vol 4 have never been published under those titles, only as Come Follow Me, Vol 3 and Vol 4.
    The CR-ROM mentions "Originally published in two volumes, later released as four volumes." We only know of a 4-volumes edition. A 2-volume edition was probably never published.
    Chapter 27 has an incorrect Archive Code 7802285, which doesn't correspond to the date (Jul 28, 1978 pm). The correct one is 7807285.
    On CD-ROM under title Letters and listed in Appendix as Early Letters to Ma Yoga Sohan and Ma Dharm Jyoti.
    The CD-ROM lists this title under Translations from Hindi, but at least these chapters are original English: #1, 2, 3, 7, 11, 12, 13 and #15.
    Also, audio recordings exist, in spite of what the CD-ROM says. See Talk:The Eternal Quest.
    The chapter title of ch.9 on the CD-ROM is 'Intelligence Is a Luxury' but this is an error, the book has 'I Am a Simple Human Being'. (That title was erroneously copied from ch.8.)
    The CD-ROM places #13 on 8412115. That seems unlikely, as Dec 11 is Osho's birth-day. The Rajneesh Bible, Vol 2 (the book that this is based on), ch.13, explicitly states the date as Dec 12. So we assume the book is right.
    For this Darshan diary, dates for the first twenty chapters are given correctly, with Chapter 20 on Oct 31. Chapters 21-26 are incorrectly dated from October 1, both as text and archive code. This should be November.
    (The Darshans in October, e.g. 7610015, were documented in The Great Nothing.)
    The CD-ROM says about these books:
    "First edition has 10 chapters in Vol. 1, and 9 chapters in Vol. 2. Second edition has 8 chapters in Vol. 1, and 11 chapters in Vol. 2. Database numbered as per first edition, as are archive tapes."
    This has not come true: Vol 1, 2nd edition (1983) also has 10 chapters. And a 2nd edition of Vol 2 has never been published. It is a fact though that the remastered audio tapes (May 1992) were numbered Vol 1: 1-8 and Vol 2: 1-11, so apparently there was a Plan.
    But then something goes wrong: the CD-ROM publishes 8 chapters for Vol 1 (7710210 - 7710300), and then goes on with 9 chapters of Vol 2 with dates 7710310 - 7711080.
    This is wrong: from Vol 1, the two last chapters, dated 7710310 and 7711010 are completely missing on the CD-ROM. The content of the 9 chapters of Vol 2 is correct, i.e. same as the books. But all dates of Vol 2 are wrong, those should be 7711020 - 7711100.
    The CD-ROM (all versions) says:
    "The common people have always known the language of love. The common people can understand Shakespeare very easily. They cannot understand Shakespeare very easily. They cannot understand Albert Einstein that easily."
    Strange error, it says something about how the CD-ROM was made. The sentence "They cannot understand Shakespeare very easily." is not on the audiotapes nor in any of the books.
    These are two unpublished Darshan Diaries, records of initiation talks given in Feb and Mar 1980 respectively. Records for Feb are severely distorted, showing apparently only ten nights worth of talks (dated Feb 1-10), though Osho actually did come out and give initiations the whole month. Somehow, between there and the CD-ROM, records of these talks got compressed and re-ordered. For Mar, it says there are only seven nights worth of talks (dated Mar 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13). This is almost certainly similar to Feb, though it is possible that two to four nights were missed near the end of Mar in conjunction with the three days of discourses missing from Rahiman Dhaga Prem Ka (रहिमन धागा प्रेम का), likely because of a short chicken pox quarantine. Which days and nights were missed, if any, is not precisely known but they would have been after Mar 26, since that's when the previous and complete discourse series ended. There is a decent chance that none were missing, since Rahiman's three days off might have been in early April, especially as there are two missing nights in early April in the (presumed accurate) record of Eighty Four Thousand Poems, Apr 1980's Darshan Diary.
    Chapter 12 has wrong date December 23, 1985 am. The correct one is December 27, 1985 am, but Acrive Code is right (8512270).
    Chapter 13 has the same Arcive Code 8512270 as the previous chapter. The right one is 8512280 which corresponds the date (December 28, 1985 am).
    The book shows "Chapter 12" twice. Also, there are different chapter numbers between audio, video and the CD-ROM. See Talk:The_Last_Testament_(Vol_6) for details. The second chapter 12 in fact is a Ch.13 in accordance with the audio recordings, and it has wrong the minitile LAST612.
    This book is listed under Translations from Hindi, but in fact consists of original English texts, except for the (small) part of ch.18 under the header "TO DIE CONSCIOUSLY".
    Chapter 19 of the book is missing on the CD-ROM. The Introduction is present (correct, as that is Osho speaking) but is incorrectly named "Preface".
    The CD-ROM says about this book :
    Chapter 1 is called the "Preface" in the book, Chapters 2 - 17 correspond to Chapters 1 - 16 in the book. Chapters 18 - 34 correspond to the Appendix of the book, 1 - 17.
    This is not correct: the chapter numbers on the CD-ROM correspond exactly to those in the book. But Osho's introductory lecture at the camp, which in the book is the Preface (without chapter number), is in fact missing on the CD-ROM.
    Another discrepancy exists between the audio-tape series and the book. Tape-lecture 1 is the book's preface, lecture 2 is chapter 1, and the discrepancy continues until 7: tape-lecture 7 starts with book-chapter 6 and continues with book-chapter 7. From 8 the numbers are the same.
    Adding to the mix-up is that the CD-ROM couples the time of the Preface (6 April 1973 pm) to it's first lecture, so ch.1 of the book, and so forth, up until ch. 6 and 7, which both get the same time (9 April 1973 am). From ch.8 (10 April 1973 am) the time gets to be correct.
    See for another take on this the book's page, under headings notes and number of discourses/chapters.
    This unpublished Darshan Diary is introduced with "Talks given from 1/2/81 to 21/2/81". (Same dates are mentioned in the Listing of Darshan Diaries in Chronological Order.) However, the year for every evening is mentioned as 1980 in all dates and Archive codes, but this is obviously wrong because in Feb 1980, If You Choose to Be with Me, You Must Risk Finding Yourself was the DD. Also the CD-ROM has 23 chapters numbered from 2 to 28, of which the first chapter (numbered 2) was Feb 2 and the last chapter (number 28) was Feb 28, so total time span of Nirvana should be "2 Feb 1981 to 28 Feb 1981". See also Nirvana's Talk page.
    The CD-ROM lists this title as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh On Basic Human Rights. This is probably a mistake, caused by the lay-out of the book's cover. The title-page shows a separate author and title.
    Dates and ArchiveCodes of the chapters are wrong. They in fact refer to the chapter numbers of The Inward Revolution, which have a completely different order. See the book's discussion for more information.
    The CD-ROM places #10 on 7907105. That seems unlikely, as that day is probably Guru Purnima, as inferred from the date of the July full moon. Also, the book The Rainbow Bridge ch.10 explicitly states July 11, and July 10 does not exist as a darshan-date. So we assume that book is right.
    The date of ch.6 mentioned as "19 August 1984", here is the small pass of the time. But according to Archive Code 8408195, it should be "pm".
    • CD-ROM-appendix Listing of Minititles and Titles and Listing of Titles to MiniTitles:
    The CD-ROM writes The Flight of the Alone to the Alone, but that should be Flight of the Alone to the Alone. Both title-page and cover lack "The".
    • CD-ROM-appendix Listing of Darshan Diaries in Chronological Order:
    Scriptures in Silence and Sermons in Stones dates are wrong, "1 Nov 1979 to 1 Dec 1979" should be to "1 Nov 1979 to 31 Dec 1979", spanning the two months, but missing many days due to a chicken pox quarantine.
    Nirvana Now or Never dates are wrong: "1 Feb 1981 to 21 Feb 1981" should be "2 Feb 1981 to 28 Feb 1981".
    • CD-ROM-appendix Listing of Discourse Series in Chronological Order:
    Several dates are wrong, especially in the earlier series.

    notable differences from the original recording

    It should be noted that the CD-ROM is NOT an exact transcript of Osho's words.
    All of Osho's books so far have been the result of sometimes heavy editing of the original discourses. And in some cases blatant censorship has been applied. To what extent this has been done is completely unknown because it would take thousands of man hours to compare the audio recordings and the transcripts. Below are some examples that have come to light.

    Original recording CD-ROM transcript
    From Ignorance to Innocence, ch 20
    Censorship by Sheela
    The tapes of this discourse were erased on Sheela's orders the day after it was given. A censored transcript appeared a week later in the Rajneesh Times.
    See Osho Discourse held on 19 Dec 1984 pm for more details.
    The Last Testament (Vol 4), ch 7
    Remarks on Gandhi censored out
    It has been a trip to hell.
    It is like "back home", the place and the people where I belong.
    No. The people are beautiful, the land is beautiful, but the politicians are ugly.
    As a whole.
    They are ugly all over the world, but perhaps nobody can beat America.
    They are for [the] good. Just the change should be a little faster, because the population goes on growing; so whatever changes you bring are destroyed by your population. Unless we stop the growth of population, nothing can help us. That should be our main target.
    It is good to see that a man like Rajiv is in power; young, contemporary, has no political background. One can hope that something good may come out of it. Because he is not a politician, i have much hope. But he should go fast, because he is surrounded by politicians and they can corrupt anybody. He is surrounded by a rotten bureaucracy which can delay everything. And the population goes on growing, poverty goes on growing. The whole effort should be that the population almost stops for 20 years.
    And we should forget all nonsensical teachings of Mahatma Gandhi because for Mahatma Gandhi all evolution stopped with the spinning wheel. That idea should be completely destroyed. If this country wants to grow, live comfortably, with dignity, Gandhism cannot have any place for its future. It has to be scientific. It has to be technological.
    This was one of our greatest faults since Gautam Buddha that we lean too much towards spirituality and forgot completely about the material world in which we have to live. So it was lopsided.
    In the west, the same is the situation. They lean towards materialism too much. They have forgotten completely that there is anything else in man than matter.
    Now both are in a dilemma. Jesus says "Man cannot live by bread alone" - that is only a half truth. The other half i would like to add to it, that man may live without bread, that is an impossibility. Man can live with bread alone, but man cannot live without bread at all.
    So we have to bring a harmony between the body and the soul, the matter and the spirit. Gandhi is again following the old traditional path and trying to make India a primitive country. I am absolutely against Gandhism.
    In my commune we had five thousand people there. In four years time not a single child was born.
    All methods of birth control should be used, and the pill, to me, is the greatest revolution that has happened in the whole history of man. It is such a simple method.
    It has been a trip to hell. Coming back feels like being back home, the place and the people where I belong.
    No. The people are beautiful, the land is beautiful, but the politicians are ugly.
    They are ugly all over the world, but perhaps nowhere can beat America.
    They are for the good. The change should just be a little faster, because the population goes on growing; so whatever changes you may make are destroyed by your population growth. Unless we stop the growth of population, nothing can help us. That should be our main target.
    In my commune we had five thousand people. In four years not a single child was born.
    All methods of birth control should be used, and the pill, to me, is the greatest revolution that has happened in the whole history of man. It is such a simple method.

    missing on the CD-ROM

    Here is a list of material from Osho that is missing on the CD-ROM v.1.01 (the most complete version). So these are Category:First Edition Series and Category:Translated_First_Editions which are missing on the CD-ROM, and also unavailable under another title. These are mostly Hindi books translated into English after 1994, but apparently also some errors.
    The Darshan Diaries on the CD-ROM generally do contain all Osho's words from the books, but not the (sannyas-) names of the people Osho is talking with, and their questions are often summarized. In the books those questions are literal quotes.
    Also omitted are the many observations of the book's editor and the multi-page interviews and articles. A summary of those articles is provided in the Darshan Diaries category page under notes & extras.
    The Art of Living
    Behind a Thousand Names
    Breaking All Boundaries
    Compassion and Revolution
    The Diamond Sword
    The Fabric of Life
    Flight of the Alone to the Alone
    Flight of the Alone to the Alone (2)
    From Medication to Meditation (The introduction only, which was later published as The Playful Knack of Meditation'.)
    Gita Darshan
    Gita Darshan, Vol 2
    Glimpses of a Golden Childhood, one chapter, Session 29 in the 1985 edition of the book, is missing. But that session might be fake or forged. See discussion for Glimpses.
    I Say unto You, Vol 1, only chapters 9 and 10 are missing.
    The Independent Mind
    The Inward Journey
    Keys to a New Life
    The Last Morning Star
    The Last Testament, Vol 1, ch.2 --so the chapter in the book-- is not on the CD-ROM. It also has not been found as audio or video.
    The Last Testament (Vol 6), ch.11, 15. Ch.15 has not been transcribed to the CD-ROM, but is available as audio.
    Life Is a Soap Bubble
    Love Letters to Life
    LSD: A Shortcut to False Samadhi (later published in The Great Challenge, but heavily edited)
    Meditation: A New Dimension (later published in The Great Challenge, but heavily edited)
    The Message Beyond Words
    The New Alchemy: To Turn You On's Preface (actually is Osho's introductory discourse for the series)
    A New Vision of Women's Liberation, part II has 22 answers to questions (19 pages) not published elsewhere.
    The Path of Meditation
    Pointing the Way
    Press Conferences in English: only ch.9 is missing. This press conference is available on audio.
    The Search for Peace
    Seeds of Revolutionary Thought
    Showering Without Clouds
    The Sword and the Lotus #25 of the audio & video is not published in the book and also not transcribed on the CD-ROM
    There Is Utopia
    Three Steps to Awakening
    Towards the Unknown
    The Way Beyond Any Way
    Who Is Progressive?
    Why? What? How?
    Work Is Love Made Visible

    other desirable source material

    Here is a list of other publications that for different reason we would like to add to an updated CD-ROM.
    It would be valuable to not only include the text, but also the book's references to dates, places and addressees.
    Beyond and Beyond First edition, but not part of the CD-ROM. Later published in The Eternal Quest.
    The Dimensionless Dimension First edition, but not part of the CD-ROM. Later published in A Cup of Tea.
    Dynamics of Meditation First edition, but not part of the CD-ROM. Partly published in Meditation: The Art of Ecstasy.
    The Eternal Message First edition, but not part of the CD-ROM. Later published in A Cup of Tea.
    Flowers of Love First edition, but not part of the CD-ROM. Later published in A Cup of Tea.
    The Gateless Gate First edition, but not part of the CD-ROM. Later published in A Cup of Tea.
    The Inward Revolution First edition, but not part of the CD-ROM. Later published in The Psychology of the Esoteric.
    The Journey of the Kundalini First edition, but not part of the CD-ROM. Later published in In Search of the Miraculous, Vol 1.
    The Mysteries of Life and Death First edition, but not part of the CD-ROM. Later published in The Long and the Short and the All.
    The Mystic Experience First edition, but not part of the CD-ROM. Later published in In Search of the Miraculous, Vol 1 and Vol 2.
    Path of Self Realization First edition, but not part of the CD-ROM. Later published in The Perfect Way.
    Secrets of Discipleship First edition, but not part of the CD-ROM. Later published in The Great Challenge.
    Seriousness First edition, but not part of the CD-ROM. Later published in The Eternal Quest.
    The Silent Music First edition, but not part of the CD-ROM. Later published in A Cup of Tea.
    Turning In First edition, but not part of the CD-ROM. Later published in A Cup of Tea.
    The Vital Balance First edition, but not part of the CD-ROM. Later published in The Great Challenge.
    What Is Meditation? First edition, but not part of the CD-ROM. Later published in A Cup of Tea.
    Who Am I? First edition, but not part of the CD-ROM. Later published in The Long and the Short and the All.
    Yoga As a Spontaneous Happening First edition, but not part of the CD-ROM. Later published in The Great Challenge.