Geeta-Darshan (गीता-दर्शन) (series): Difference between revisions

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::[[image:uc5.jpg|150px]] [Edition info below under de-construction]
::Note: Edition info below concerns only whole sets of all eight volumes (of the 8-vol set) being published and offered as a unit. Please see individual volumes for all other publication formats.
{{bookedition| blank.jpg | | 1971 - ? | Jivan Jagruti Kendra (जीवन जागृति केन्द्र) |1| |  |H|This series may have more than 8 volumes. }}
{{bookedition| blank.jpg | | 1973 - ?
::Reprint: 1977 | Rajneesh Publications |1| |  |H|This series may have more than 8 volumes. }}
{{bookedition| blank.jpg | | 2003 | Rebel Publishing House, India |1| |  |H| }}
{{bookedition| blank.jpg | | 2003 | Rebel Publishing House, India |1| |  |H| }}
{{bookedition| gita-dharshan-set.jpg | | 2008 - 2011
{{bookedition| gita-dharshan-set.jpg | | 2008 - 2011

Revision as of 08:33, 6 November 2018

ओशो ने श्रीमदभगवदगीता के अठारह अध्यायों पर अमृत-प्रवचन दिए हैं जिसके 8 खंड हैं। सद्गुरु ने इन पुस्तकों में जीवन के हर विषयों के साथ-साथ योग और ध्यान पर प्रवचन दिए हैं। प्रथम और द्वितीय भाग में विषादयोग, ‘सांख्ययोग, कर्मयोग, ज्ञान-कर्म-संन्यास-योग, कर्म-संन्यास-योग’ पर अपने अनमोल प्रवचनों को दिया है वहीं भाग तीन तथा चार में ‘आत्म-संयम-योग, ज्ञान-विज्ञान-योग, अक्षर-ब्रह्म-योग, तथा राजविद्या-राजगुह्य-योग’ पर प्रवचनों की अमृत-वर्षा की है। भाग पांच, छः तथा सात में ‘विभूति-योग, विश्वरूप-दर्शन-योग, भक्ति-योग, क्षेत्र-क्षेत्रज्ञ-विभाग-योग, पुरुषोत्तम-योग, दैव-असुर-संपद-विभाग-योग तथा आठवें भाग में श्रद्धात्रय-विभाग-योग एवं मोक्ष-संन्यास-योग में बत्तीस प्रवचन दिए हैं। ओशो का और उनके प्रवचनों का एक करिश्मा है जो गीता-दर्शन के हर एक भाग में आपको देखने को मिलेगा और एक बार उनकी एक पुस्तक हाथ में ली तो उनकी दूसरी पुस्तकों की ओर जाने की इच्छा को रोक नहीं पाएंगे।
Osho's discourses in Hindi on the classic Hindu scripture Srimad Bhagavad Gita were given in the early 70's over a period of several years, and are his longest-running mega-series on any subject in either Hindi or English, comprising a total of 219 discourses. These discourses are grouped according to the chapters (adhyayas) of the original Gita, of which there are eighteen. Each adhyaya concerns a particular type of yoga or path to wholeness which is suitable to particular types of people, their psychologies and so on.
All the discourses are available in audio form. Those on the first two adhyayas were given in one seamless series in Ahmedabad and are lumped together as Vol 1&2 but all the others, Vol 3 to 18, come as individual series, ranging from 7 to 21 discourses. For books, first editions came in this same 18/17-volume format. In later years, from the early 90s on, an eight-volume book format came to be preferred, combining two or three of the earlier volumes / adhyayas as indicated in the list below.
In the wiki, we have related mainly to the eight-volume editions, as their info has been much more available. As an organizing principle, it is less "natural" than the 18/17-vol format but far more complete. Such info as we have on the earlier editions is provided in pages dedicated to them, but so far, it is not much.
The first high-quality translations into English began appearing only in 2012. As of Jul 2014 there are still only the first two volumes translated, ie Vol 1&2 and Vol 3. Links to them via the first volume of the eight-volume set below:

The 18/17-vol set

(Those for which we have something, anything)

The 8-vol set

(With lots of info)
See discussion for a relatively complete and detailed consideration of the Geeta Darshan timeline, with sources, etc.
time period of Osho's original talks/writings
number of discourses/chapters


Note: Edition info below concerns only whole sets of all eight volumes (of the 8-vol set) being published and offered as a unit. Please see individual volumes for all other publication formats.

Geeta-Darshan (गीता-दर्शन) (series)

Year of publication : 2003
Publisher : Rebel Publishing House, India
Number of pages :
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : H
Edition notes :

Geeta-Darshan (गीता-दर्शन) (series)

Year of publication : 2008 - 2011
possible reprint in 2010/2011
Publisher : Rebel Publishing House, India
Number of pages :
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : H
Edition notes : Revised edition