Osho's Biography: Difference between revisions

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* A [http://www.oshoworld.com/biography/briefbio.asp brief biography] at Osho World
* A [http://www.oshoworld.com/biography/briefbio.asp brief biography] at Osho World
* [http://www.globalserve.net/~sarlo/Sarlo1.htm The Real Osho], a somewhat dated, but refreshing  biography by [[user:sarlo|Sw Deva Sarlo]]
* [http://www.globalserve.net/~sarlo/Sarlo1.htm The Real Osho], a somewhat dated, but refreshing  biography by [[user:sarlo|Sw Deva Sarlo]]
* [http://www.oshophotos.com/ Osho Photos]
* A collection of more than 1300 [http://www.facebook.com/photo_search.php?oid=13235859121&view=all Osho Photos] on facebook
* more [http://www.oshophotos.com/ Osho Photos]
* Video demonstrations of Osho's meditations are [http://www.osho.com/Main.cfm?Area=Meditation&Language=English here].
* Video demonstrations of Osho's meditations are [http://www.osho.com/Main.cfm?Area=Meditation&Language=English here].
* A beautiful [http://www.oshoworld.com/serial/html/content.htm book] about Ma Yoga Laxmi, Osho's first desciple. She opened the Shree Rajneesh Ashram in Poona on the 21st March 1974.
* A beautiful [http://www.oshoworld.com/serial/html/content.htm book] about Ma Yoga Laxmi, Osho's first desciple. She opened the Shree Rajneesh Ashram in Poona on the 21st March 1974.

(please suggest editions for this page in it's discussion page)
(please suggest editions for this page in it's discussion page)

Revision as of 03:29, 30 October 2008

" I don't have any biography. And whatsoever is thought to be biography is utterly meaningless.

On what date I was born, in what country I was born, does not matter. What matters is what I am now, right here."

Osho, The Last Testament (Vol 1), # 5

Never Born Never Died
Never Born Never Died

External links

(please suggest editions for this page in it's discussion page)