English titles with incomplete info: Difference between revisions

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* [[Freedom: The Courage to Be Yourself]] - sources of compilation
* [[Freedom: The Courage to Be Yourself]] - sources of compilation
* [[From Ignorance to Innocence (2)]] - TOCs for first edition and the rest. 1993 edition: page numbers
* [[From Ignorance to Innocence (2)]] - TOCs for first edition and the rest. 1993 edition: page numbers
* [[From Medication to Meditation]] - 2011 edition: sources of compilation
* [[From Medication to Meditation]] - 2011 edition: sources of compilation (incl. question numbers)
* [[From Sex to Superconsciousness]] - 1988 edition: 81-222-0079-6 ? (not printed in the book). Osho Tapoban edition: year, ISBN, page numbers. TOCs for: 1988-1989 editions of Orient, 1997-2014 editions
* [[From Sex to Superconsciousness]] - 1988 edition: 81-222-0079-6 ? (not printed in the book). Osho Tapoban edition: year, ISBN, page numbers. TOCs for: 1988-1989 editions of Orient, 1997-2014 editions
* [[From Tragedy to Comedy]] - ISBN, page numbers, TOC
* [[From Tragedy to Comedy]] - ISBN, page numbers, TOC
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* [[The Mystic Experience]] - TOC. 1998 edition: no cover
* [[The Mystic Experience]] - TOC. 1998 edition: no cover
* [[Mystics of the East]] - TOC
* [[Mystics of the East]] - TOC
* [[Neither This Nor That]] - 1978 edition: TOC
* [[Neo-Tantra]] - TOC
* [[Never Born, Never Died]] - TOC
* [[The New Alchemy: To Turn You On]] - 2009 edition: TOC
* [[The New Child]] - not complete sources of compilation (incl. question numbers). 1998-1999 editions: TOC.
* [[The New Dawn]] - unknown third title, under which republished by Sterling Publishers. 2015 edition: TOC
* [[The New Evolution of Man]] - unknown if this title was published
* [[New Man for the New Millennium]] - sources of compilation
* [[The New Man in Business and the Professions]] - sources of compilation
* [[The New Man: The Only Hope for the Future]] - TOC
* [[A New Vision of Women's Liberation]] - sources of compilation. 1996 edition: no cover, TOC. 2000-2008: TOC. 2012-Tapoban edition: ISBN, page numbers, TOC. Another Tapoban edition: year, ISBN, page numbers, TOC
* [[Nine Sutras]] - 2006 edition: TOC
* [[Nirvana: The Last Nightmare]] - 1981 edition: no cover, TOC. 2006-Fusion edition: P/H?. 2006-Tao, 2008-2012 editions: TOC
* [[No Mission, No Message]] - unknown if this title was published
* [[No Water, No Moon]] - 1977-2010 editions: TOC
* [[Notes of a Madman]] - 1999-2013 editions: TOC
* [[Nowhere to Go but In]] - 2008-2014 editions: TOC
* [[The Occult Meaning of Asanas and Mudras]] - unknown if this title was published
* [[The Occult Mysteries of Dreaming]] - unknown if this title was published
* [[Om Mani Padme Hum]] - 2015 edition: TOC
* [[On Basic Human Rights]] - TOC
* [[One Earth, One Humanity]] - TOC
* [[One Hundred One]] - unknown if this title was published
* [[Only One Sky]] - TOC
* [[The Open Secret (2)]] - unknown if this title was published
* [[The Orange Book]] - sources of compilation. 1994 edition: no cover, page numbers, TOC
* [[Osho Diamonds]] - TOC
* [[Osho on Sufism]] - TOC.
* [[Osho on Zen]] - TOC for first (1996) and 2001 editions. Sources of compilation in ch.6
* [[Osho on Zen: Take It Easy]] - TOC for first and 2010 editions
* [[Osho on Zen: The Art of Enlightenment]] - TOC for first and 2010 editions
* [[Osho on Zen: The Art of Living]] - TOC for first and 2010 editions
* [[Osho on Zen: The Art of Meditation]] - 2003, 2010 editions: TOC
* [[The Osho Upanishad]] - 2010-2012 editions: TOC
* [[Parenting the New Child]] - unidentified. ISBN/UPC.
* [[Passion for the Impossible]] - year, publisher, ISBN, page numbers, TOC
* [[The Path of Love]] - 1997-2014 editions: TOC
* [[The Path of Meditation]] - 2008 edition: TOC
* [[Path of Self-Realization]] - 1970-1977 editions: TOC, no ISBN ?
* [[The Path of the Mystic]] - 2007/2014 editions: years, publishers, TOCs
* [[The Path of the Mystic, Vol 1 : The Fire of Truth]] - TOC for first edition
* [[The Path of the Mystic, Vol 2 : The New Freedom]] - TOC for first edition
* [[The Path of Yoga]] - TOC
* [[Path to Self Realisation]] - 1977 edition: no cover, page numbers, TOC
* [[The Pathless Path]] - unknown if this title was published
* [[The Perennial Path: The Art of Living]] - no cover and TOC for first edition (1972)
* [[The Perfect Master : The Silence of the Heart]] - TOC
* [[The Perfect Master : The Way of the Sufi]] - TOC
* [[The Perfect Way]] - both 2017 editions: TOC
* [[Pharmacy for the Soul]] - sources of compilation. 2007 edition: TOC
* [[Philosophia Perennis, Vol 1]] - 2009-2017 editions: TOC
* [[Philosophia Perennis, Vol 2]] - 2011-2017 editions: TOC
* [[Philosophy of Non-Violence]] - no cover
* [[The Pillars of Consciousness]] - TOC
* [[The Playful Knack of Meditation]] - no cover
* [[Pointing the Way]] - TOC
* [[The Power of Love]] - sources of compilation
* [[Power, Politics, and Change]] - sources of compilation
* [[Priests and Politicians: The Mafia of the Soul]] - second Rebel edition: 1988?
* [[The Psychology of the Esoteric]] - Orient edition: 1978?, page numbers. 1979-2017 editions: TOC
* [[Rama: The Only Refuge]] - no cover, year, ISBN, page numbers, TOC
* [[The Razor's Edge]] - 2009 edition: TOC. "Second" Jaico edition: TOC, 2009?
* [[The Rebel]] - both Full Circle editions: year, page numbers, TOC. 2014 edition: TOC. "Second" Jaico edition: TOC, year and P/H?
* [[The Rebel: The Very Salt of the Earth]] - TOC
* [[Rebellion With Wisdom]] - no cover, 1968?, page numbers, TOC
* [[Rebellion, Revolution & Religiousness]] - sources of compilation. 2004-2010 editions: TOC
* [[The Rebellious Spirit]] - 2012 edition: TOC
* [[Reflections on Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet]] - TOC
* [[Returning to the Source]] - 1994-2011 editions: TOC
* [[The Revolution]] - 2000-2008 editions: TOC
* [[Revolution in Education]] - 2015 edition: ISBN, page numbers, TOC
* [[Rising in Love]] - TOC for first edition. 2009 edition: TOC
* [[Roots and Wings]] - 1979-1989 editions: TOC
* [[The Royal Way]] - TOC for first edition

Revision as of 10:57, 8 February 2019

Several publications still have important info missing...

to be completed