Letter written on 15 Jan 1958: Difference between revisions

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:To- Shri Motilal Jain
:First Year, B.Sc, Sanskrit College
:Raipur (M.P.)

;See also
:Dear Motilal,
:Blessings. I was happy to receive your letter.
:My regards to the 'Padiwal couple'. I am doing well and hope that you all will come during the time of the chariot festival. It will be a good opportunity to meet everyone. The rest is well. My love to Narendra, Rajendra, Devkumar, Ramkumar, and everyone.
:Ranjneesh's blessings.
;see also
:[[Letters to Motilal Jain ~ 01]] - The event of this letter.
:[[Letters to Motilal Jain ~ 01]] - The event of this letter.

Revision as of 07:24, 14 June 2024

Letter written to Motilal Jain, a student in Raipur college, on 15 Jan 1958 from Jabalpur.

To- श्री मोतीलाल जैन,
प्रथम वर्ष, बी एस सी, संस्कृत कॉलेज
रायपुर (म. प्र.)


प्रिय मोतीलाल,
शुभाशीष। तुम्हारा पत्र, खुशी हुई।
'पड़ीवाल-दम्पति' को मेरे प्रणाम। मैं मजे में हूं और आशा करता हूं कि तुम सबको लेकर गजरथ के समय आ रहे हो। उस समय सबसे मिलना हो सकेगा। शेष शुभ। चि. नरेन्द्र, राजेन्द्र, देवकुमार, रामकुमार, सबको मेरा स्नेह। रजनीश के शुभाशीष।

To- Shri Motilal Jain
First Year, B.Sc, Sanskrit College
Raipur (M.P.)

Dear Motilal,
Blessings. I was happy to receive your letter.
My regards to the 'Padiwal couple'. I am doing well and hope that you all will come during the time of the chariot festival. It will be a good opportunity to meet everyone. The rest is well. My love to Narendra, Rajendra, Devkumar, Ramkumar, and everyone.
Ranjneesh's blessings.

see also
Letters to Motilal Jain ~ 01 - The event of this letter.