The Zen Manifesto ~ 01: Difference between revisions

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[[category:Osho Events 1989|]]
[[category:Osho Events 1989|]]

Revision as of 12:35, 24 June 2018


event type discourse
date & time 20 Feb 1989 pm
location Gautam the Buddha Auditorium, Poona (Pune), India
language English
audio available, duration 3h 37min. Quality: good, but a slight constant noise.
Osho leading meditation from 3:09:55.
Live music after the discourse
online audio
video available, duration 3h 40min
online video
see also
online text
  • find the PDF of this discourse
  • shorttitle {{{stitle}}}
    Our Beloved Master,
    When Tenjiku was asked about the incident of Tanka burning the statue, he replied, "When it is cold we gather around the hearth by the fire."
    "Was he wrong or not?" persisted the monk.
    "When it is hot we sit in a bamboo forest in the valley," said Tenjiku.
    The day after the burning of the statue, Tanka Tennen went to see Nan-Yo, who had once been a disciple of Eno and was the emperor's Zen master. When Tanka unrolled his Zazen rug, Nan-Yo said, "There's no need."
    Tanka took a few steps backward.
    Nan-Yo said, "That's right."
    At this, Tanka took a few steps forward.
    Nan-Yo said, "That's not right."
    Tanka walked around Nan-Yo one time and left.
    Nan-Yo commented, "The old, golden days are far away, and people are now so lazy. Thirty years from now, it will be difficult to get hold of this fellow."
    The second question:
    D.T. Suzuki, the man who introduced Zen to the western intelligentsia, said: "Zen must be seized with bare hands, with no gloves on."
    Would you like to comment?
    (Maneesha's question)
    D.T. Suzuki describes two different kinds of "Seeing" as denoted by two different Chinese characters.

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