No Mind The Flowers of Eternity ~ 03

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event type discourse & meditation
date & time 28 Dec 1988 pm
location Gautam the Buddha Auditorium, Pune
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 40min. Quality: good.
Osho leading meditation from 1:20:51.
Live music after the discourse.
online audio
video Available, duration 1h 38min. Quality: good.
online video
see also
online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle NOMIND03
Reader of the sutras: Ma Prem Maneesha. Questions are being read by Osho himself.
After discourse Osho leads No-Mind Meditation.
The sutras
Once Kakusan went to see Kyozan. Raising his foot, Kakusan said, "The twenty-eight Indian patriarchs were like this, and the six patriarchs of the country of T'ang were like this, and you are like this, and I am like this!"
Kyozan came down from the Zen seat and hit him four times with the wisteria staff.
After Kakusan became enlightened, an ascetic once said to him, "What is the true meaning of Buddhism?"
Kakusan remained silent and bowed to him.
The ascetic asked, "Are you bowing to a man of the world?"
Kakusan replied, "Don't you see what I am saying? I am your famous disciple!"
At another time Kyozan, on seeing a monk approach him, raised his mosquito flapper. At this, the monk shouted loudly, "Kwatz!"
Kyozan commented, "There is such a thing as saying 'kwatz,' but tell me, where was my mistake?"
The monk replied, "In improperly pointing to an external object" -- at which Kyozan hit him.

Question 1
Beloved Buddha, did Gautama's consciousness enter you at your conception or is it that over the years his consciousness has gradually become suffused with you? Is it true that Krishnamurti was a candidate for the Maitreya, but missed?


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