A Cup of Tea (sources)

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This page shows the publication history of the letters in A Cup of Tea. The first editions have 350 letters, from the 1996 edition there are 365.

Letters 1 - 150 previously published as Prem Ke Phool (प्रेम के फूल), and translated as Flowers of Love:

New translations from the Hindi by Sw Anand Maitreya
New English versions by Sw Anand Somendra.

(The editing from Flowers of Love to A Cup of Tea is extensive, to the point that some letters are almost unrecognizable. It is not known which would be better, although sometimes we have the impression that Flowers of Love is more original. But this can only be decided by comparing with the original Hindi.)

Letters #151 to 350 had previously been published in other books :

Starting with the 1996 edition there are 365 letters, so 15 more :

  • Sort-order : the table is sorted on Date (the date the letter was signed, as far as known). Click on the other headers to sort on other columns.
  • Date : this shows either the date that is mentioned in the original publications (Hindi or English), or an indication of the date as far as known. Dates are shown as in TimeCode).
    For more on the unknown dates, see the link to the original publications, above.
  • Original publication : shows the first publication in English plus it's number in that book.
  • A Cup of Tea : these 2 columns show the number in each edition.
  • Addressee: shows the literal text of the addressee, as mentioned in the original publication

date first distinctive sentence original publication A Cup of Tea
(1980 & 1983)
A Cup of Tea
(1996 & later)
62.07.13 I have been meaning to write since a long time,
but because of preoccupations I could not.
Prem Ke Phool 105 /
Flowers of Love 105
2 2 Sushree Jayaben Shah, Bombay
62.08.13 How lovingly you insist on my writing something. Prem Ke Phool 17 /
Flowers of Love 17
1 1 Lala Sunderlal, Delhi
62.10.01 (*3) I am not writing anything at the moment. Prem Ke Phool 18 /
Flowers of Love 18
3 3 Lala Sunderlal, Delhi
62.10.05 I am grateful for your affectionate letter. Prem Ke Phool 106 /
Flowers of Love 106
4 4 Sushree Jayaben Shah, Bombay
62.10.20 I was out, but your letter followed me and reached me
during my journey.
Prem Ke Phool 107 /
Flowers of Love 107
6 6 Sushree Jayaben Shah, Bombay
62.11.21 (*3) It is God's grace that you are working toward
the revelation of the inner light.
Prem Ke Phool 108 /
Flowers of Love 108
5 5 Sushree Jaya Shah, Bombay
62.12.14 I fill with joy at your desire to attain peace. Prem Ke Phool 109 /
Flowers of Love 109
7 7 Sushree Jaya Shah, Bombay
63.01.12 I was awaiting your letter when it came. Prem Ke Phool 110 /
Flowers of Love 110
10 10 Sushree Jaya Shah, Bombay
63.02.10 The trip to Rajnagar was enjoyable. Prem Ke Phool 111 /
Flowers of Love 111
11 11 Sushree Jaya Shah, Bombay
63.02.12 I have just returned from Rajnagar (Rajasthan). Prem Ke Phool 19 /
Flowers of Love 19
13 13 Lala Sunderlal, Delhi
63.06.03 I was out for the whole month of May, so my health was affected. Prem Ke Phool 20 /
Flowers of Love 20
8 8 Lala Sunderlal, Delhi
63.11.01 As I was very busy, I could not reply earlier. Prem Ke Phool 25 /
Flowers of Love 25
12 12 Lala Sunderlal, Delhi
63.12.02 (*3) During the journey, I read your letter. Prem Ke Phool 24 /
Flowers of Love 24
9 9 Shree Rohit Kumar Mittal, Khandwa, M.P.
64.06.17 I was out. Prem Ke Phool 21 /
Flowers of Love 21
19 19 Lala Sunderlal, Delhi
64.10.26 After returning from the meditation camp,
I had gone out of town again.
Prem Ke Phool 125 /
Flowers of Love 125
15 15 Sushree Sohan Bafna, Poona
64.11.02 I have received your very loving letter. Prem Ke Phool 124 /
Flowers of Love 124
14 14 Sushree Sohan Bafna, Poona
64.11.11 Love—and yet more love. Prem Ke Phool 117 /
Flowers of Love 117
18 18 Sohan Bafna, Poona
64.11.23 The peace that is within me—you desire. Prem Ke Phool 118 /
Flowers of Love 118
17 17 Sushree Sohan Bafna, Poona
64.12.05 Your words have made me very happy. Prem Ke Phool 8 /
Flowers of Love 8
16 16 Sushree Sohan Bafna, Poona
65.01.04 I am going out again tonight. Prem Ke Phool 119 /
Flowers of Love 119
25 25 Sushree Sohan Bafna, Poona
65.02.03 I am happy to know that you are happy. Prem Ke Phool 2 /
Flowers of Love 2
28 28 Sushree Sohan Bafna, Poona
65.02.17 The train was five hours late. Prem Ke Phool 5 /
Flowers of Love 5
22 22 Sushree Sohan Bafna, Poona
65.03.03 From the pile of letters awaiting me on my return,
I first looked for yours!
Prem Ke Phool 6 /
Flowers of Love 6
30 30 Sushree Sohan Bafna, Poona
65.03.12 The heart was overwhelmed with your poem. Prem Ke Phool 1 /
Flowers of Love 1
33 33 Mrs. Sohan Bafna, Poona
65.03.16 On my return home, I was awaiting your letter. Prem Ke Phool 9 /
Flowers of Love 9
26 26 Sushree Sohan Bafna, Poona
65.03.22 I had never imagined that you would write such lovely letters! Prem Ke Phool 10 /
Flowers of Love 10
34 34 Mrs. Sushree Sohan Bafna, Poona
65.04.17 I came here yesterday and have been thinking of writing
ever since, but I am just writing now.
Prem Ke Phool 7 /
Flowers of Love 7
31 31 Sushree Sohan Bafna, Poona
65.04.24 But waiting is—oh! so sweet! Prem Ke Phool 11 /
Flowers of Love 11
32 32 Sushree Sohan Bafna, Poona
65.04.29 You have hurt your finger: it looks as if you are not
paying attention to your body.
Prem Ke Phool 121 /
Flowers of Love 121
29 29 Sushree Sohan Bafna, Poona
65.05.09 It was just this time of night, two days ago,
that I left you at Chittor.
Prem Ke Phool 126 /
Flowers of Love 126
35 35 Sushree Sohan Bafna, Poona
65.06.01 I was sitting in the same spot in the grass when it came. Prem Ke Phool 122 /
Flowers of Love 122
27 27 Sushree Sohan Bafna, Poona
65.06.07 I looked for your letter as soon as I came yesterday. Prem Ke Phool 123 /
Flowers of Love 123
23 23 Sushree Sohan Bafna, Poona
65.06.09 I look at it—how simple and innocent you appear! Prem Ke Phool 3 /
Flowers of Love 3
21 21 Mrs. Sohan Bafna, Poona
65.06.14 The love blossoms with which you weave your garlands—
their fragrance reaches me!
Prem Ke Phool 4 /
Flowers of Love 4
24 24 Sushree Sohan Bafna, Poona
65.10.25 Last night when there were lamps and lamps lit all over the town,
I was thinking, "My Sohan too, must have lighted lamps,
and some among them must surely be for me!"
Prem Ke Phool 120 /
Flowers of Love 120
20 20 Sushree Sohan Bafna, Poona
66.--.-- You have asked about "sense of humour". Prem Ke Phool 30 /
Flowers of Love 30
43 43 Sushree Shirish Pai, Bombay
66.--.-- The wheel of the mundane world keeps revolving. Prem Ke Phool 32 /
Flowers of Love 32
39 39 Sushree Shirish Pai, Bombay
66.03.11 I am happy to see your thirst for God. Prem Ke Phool 27 /
Flowers of Love 27
38 38 Sushree Shirish Pai, Bombay
66.03.26 I was very happy to meet you that day. Prem Ke Phool 28 /
Flowers of Love 28
36 36 Sushree Shirish Pai, Bombay
66.04.02 I welcome the resolution that is taking birth within you. Prem Ke Phool 29 /
Flowers of Love 29
40 40 Sushree Shirish Pai, Bombay
66.06.04 You have asked about sex. Prem Ke Phool 31 /
Flowers of Love 31
42 42 Sushree Shirish Pai, Bombay
66.08.30 If the thirst is so full of longing for Truth, for peace, for righteousness,
one day or another the sun will appear,
in whose presence darkness disappears.
Prem Ke Phool 112 /
Flowers of Love 112
41 41 Shree Jayantibhai, Bombay
66.12.19 (*3) It is good that you are forgetting the past. Prem Ke Phool 33 /
Flowers of Love 33
37 37 Sushree Shirish Pai, Bombay
67.04.05 What gift is greater than love? Prem Ke Phool 34 /
Flowers of Love 34
44 44 Sushree Shirish Pai, Bombay
68.--.-- About death I have remained quiet on purpose,
because I want to awaken inquiry about life.
A Cup of Tea (1996) 51 51
68.06.18 Truth is unknown, and therefore the known
has to be abandoned in order to attain it.
Prem Ke Phool 14 /
Flowers of Love 14
47 47 Sushree Omprakash Agarwal, Jullundur, Punjab
68.06.30 How can it ever be that the ray of love comes
without the fragrance of joy?
Prem Ke Phool 116 /
Flowers of Love 116
49 49 Shree Mahipal, Bombay
68.07.18 Your letter and your inquiry. Prem Ke Phool 42 /
Flowers of Love 42
48 48 Sushree Kanchan, Bulsar, Gujarat
68.09.10 I am always with you. Prem Ke Phool 13 /
Flowers of Love 13
51 52 Sushree Om Prakash Agarwal, Jullundur, Punjab
68.09.29 I know very well the thirst of your soul. Prem Ke Phool 16 /
Flowers of Love 16
50 50 Sushree Jayavanti Shukla, Junagadh, Gujarat
68.10.02 You must be tired of waiting for the reply. Prem Ke Phool 40 /
Flowers of Love 40
46 46 Sushree Kanchan Behu, Bulsar, Gujarat
68.12.12 The time of birth will have to be looked up. Prem Ke Phool 15 /
Flowers of Love 15
45 45 Shree Anupchand Shah, Surendranagar, Gujarat
69.03.27 I consider life as a WHOLE. Prem Ke Phool 12 /
Flowers of Love 12
70 71 Sri M.T. Kamdar, Sri Suresh B. Joshi, Sri Nanubhai
and Sri Karelia, Bhavnagar, Gujarat
69.04.24 The drop has not to become the Ocean. Prem Ke Phool 22 /
Flowers of Love 22
62 63 Shree Pushkar Gokani, Dwarka, Gujarat
69.07.01 Leave the old track. Prem Ke Phool 88 /
Flowers of Love 88
67 68 Sushree Bhagavati Advani, Bombay
69.08.01 Where is Truth? Prem Ke Phool 96 /
Flowers of Love 96
61 62 Swami Kriyananda (Swami Yoga Chinmaya), Bombay
69.08.15 Do not seek liberation in opposition to life. Prem Ke Phool 97 /
Flowers of Love 97
64 65 Swami Kriyananda (Swami Yoga Chinmaya), Bombay
69.08.18 Love has not to be asked for. Prem Ke Phool 26 /
Flowers of Love 26
52 53 Sushree Jayati, Junagadh
69.08.19 Man is a slave. Prem Ke Phool 89 /
Flowers of Love 89
71 72 Sushree Bhagavati Advani, Bombay
69.08.20 Truth is like the sky—eternal everlasting, boundless. Prem Ke Phool 86 /
Flowers of Love 86
68 69 Sushree Jayati, Junagadh
69.09.08 When has communion ever been possible between two persons? Prem Ke Phool 35 /
Flowers of Love 35
53 54 The Poet Bachchan, Delhi
69.09.09 Be aware in the waking state. Prem Ke Phool 23 /
Flowers of Love 23
58 59 Shree Ghanashyamdas Janmejai, Gwalior, M.P.
69.10.25 I say: "Die, so that you can be." Prem Ke Phool 83 /
Flowers of Love 83
66 67 Shree Shiv, Jabalpur
69.11.03 Your letter, as pure and virgin as your heart, has filled me with joy. Prem Ke Phool 36 /
Flowers of Love 36
59 60 Sushree Kusum, Ludhiana, Punjab
69.11.03 Your letter has filled the heart with joy. Prem Ke Phool 38 /
Flowers of Love 38
57 58 Sushree Ansuya, Bombay
69.11.03 But they are not just letters: they are poems,
in fact, born out of love.
Prem Ke Phool 39 /
Flowers of Love 39
56 57 Sushree Dolly Diddee, Poona, Maharashtra
69.11.03 Life is an infinite mystery. Prem Ke Phool 84 /
Flowers of Love 84
63 64 Shree Narendra (Swami Narendra Bodhisatva), Jabalpur
69.11.15 Where is one to seek for Truth. Prem Ke Phool 87 /
Flowers of Love 87
69 70 Sushree Jayati, Junagadh
69.11.19 Like the seed within the soil awaits the rains, you await God- Prem Ke Phool 37 /
Flowers of Love 37
65 66 Sushree Kusum, Ludhiana, Punjab
69.12.07 How happy I am to receive your letter—how shall I say it? Prem Ke Phool 41 /
Flowers of Love 41
60 61 Shree Ramkrishan Dikshit (“Vishva”), Jabalpur, M.P.
69.12.07 More so because you have sent an unwritten blank paper. Prem Ke Phool 43 /
Flowers of Love 43
55 56 Sushree Darshan Valia, Bombay
69.12.20 I am one with ALL. Prem Ke Phool 92 /
Flowers of Love 92
54 55 Sushree Laxmi, Bombay
70.--.-- Religion too has to take new birth in every age. A Cup of Tea (1996) 152 152
70.--.-- Drop the fear, because the moment you hold on to it, it multiplies. A Cup of Tea (1996) 153 153
70.--.-- Attainment of meditation is not a question of time,
it is a question of will.
A Cup of Tea (1996) 154 154
70.--.-- The world is neither unhappiness nor happiness. A Cup of Tea (1996) 155 155
70.--.-- Do not fight with yourself. A Cup of Tea (1996) 156 156
70.--.-- Strive for meditation. A Cup of Tea (1996) 157 157
70.--.-- Don’t be in haste. A Cup of Tea (1996) 158 158
70.--.-- Life is not divided, either in time or in space. A Cup of Tea (1996) 159 159
70.--.-- We just do not know life, that is why we get bored. A Cup of Tea (1996) 160 160
70.--.-- Life is a mystery. A Cup of Tea (1996) 161 161
70.--.-- Society is only a collectivity of individuals. A Cup of Tea (1996) 162 162
70.--.-- Do not fight with yourself. Prem Ke Phool 57 /
Flowers of Love 57
79 80 Swami Mohan Chaitanya, Moga, Punjab
70.--.-- The feeling of separation is auspicious. Prem Ke Phool 58 /
Flowers of Love 58
111 112 Shree Sunderlal Sehgal, Amritsar, Punjab
70.--.-- Thought is the power of man. Prem Ke Phool 72 /
Flowers of Love 72
82 83 Sushree Premshanker Panday, Manmad, Maharashtra
70.01.02 Repose is the supreme goal. Prem Ke Phool 49 /
Flowers of Love 49
74 75 Shree Yashwant Mehta, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
70.01.02 Why do you seek for a purpose at all? Prem Ke Phool 50 /
Flowers of Love 50
73 74 Shree Mathura Babu (Swami Ananda Maitreya), Bihar
70.02.15 There is a great difference between love and mercy. Prem Ke Phool 55 /
Flowers of Love 55
129 130 Dr. M. R. Gautam, Benares, U.P.
70.02.16 Do not be afraid of sexual desire. Prem Ke Phool 45 /
Flowers of Love 45
126 127 Shree Jayantilal, Bhavnagar, Gujarat
70.02.16 You say you feel as if you are "broken". Prem Ke Phool 47 /
Flowers of Love 47
120 121 Sushree Ansuya, Bombay
70.02.16 As the soil becomes thirsty for rains after the hot summer,
so too are you thirsty for God.
Prem Ke Phool 48 /
Flowers of Love 48
78 79 Sushree Kusum, Ludhiana
70.02.16 Do not fall into the turmoil of quietening the mind. Prem Ke Phool 56 /
Flowers of Love 56
91 92 Dr. M. R. Gautam, Benares, U.P.
70.02.17 Do not desire bliss. Prem Ke Phool 46 /
Flowers of Love 46
104 105 Shree Jayant Bhatt, Nargol, Bulsar, Gujarat
70.02.17 So much sufferiug has to be undergone. Prem Ke Phool 54 /
Flowers of Love 54
143 144 Sushree Jayati, Junagadh
70.03.27 The moment of self-revolution is near. Prem Ke Phool 141 /
Flowers of Love 141
109 110 Babubai (Swami Krishna Chaitanya), Ajol, Gujarat
70.04.08 You have asked for my Ten Commandments. Prem Ke Phool 59 /
Flowers of Love 59
123 124 Dr. Ramchandra Prasad, Patna University, Patna, Bihar
70.04.08 The quest for meaning is absurd. Prem Ke Phool 62 /
Flowers of Love 62
119 120 Pushparaj Sharma, Simla
70.04.08 The “I” has not to be given up. Prem Ke Phool 63 /
Flowers of Love 63
84 85 Mrs. Mayadevi Jain, Chandigarh, Punjab
70.04.08 Seek—seek—and seek. Prem Ke Phool 64 /
Flowers of Love 64
92 93 Sushree Kusum, Ludhiana
70.04.08 Ah, if the flute were without, the music could have been heard! Prem Ke Phool 65 /
Flowers of Love 65
137 138 Shree Jayantilal Vyas, Udaipur
70.04.08 Dreams also are true. Prem Ke Phool 66 /
Flowers of Love 66
145 146 Sushree Guna Shah, Bombay
70.04.08 You have asked so many questions! Prem Ke Phool 67 /
Flowers of Love 67
103 104 Kumari Rekha, Rajkot, Gujarat
70.04.11 Be not in haste. Prem Ke Phool 60 /
Flowers of Love 60
72 73 Shree Babu Bhai Shah, Ajol, Gujarat
70.04.11 I am happy to know that your mother's death reminded you of your own. Prem Ke Phool 61 /
Flowers of Love 61
102 103 Shree Mathura Prasad Mishra
(Swami Ananda Maitreya) Patna
70.04.11 You wish for the sun: you will definitely find it. Prem Ke Phool 144 /
Flowers of Love 144
121 122 Kumari Jasoo (Ma Yoga Prem), Ajol
70.05.01 Why is there so much suffering in man's life? Prem Ke Phool 81 /
Flowers of Love 81
85 86 Shree Shiv, Jabalpur
70.05.07 Truth is attained not by swimming, but by drowning. Prem Ke Phool 85 /
Flowers of Love 85
118 119 Shree Arvind Kumar, Jabalpur
70.05.13 All crutches are barriers. Prem Ke Phool 51 /
Flowers of Love 51
83 84 Shree Ramakant Upadhyaya, Kathmandu, Nepal
70.05.13 There is a music—which has no sound. Prem Ke Phool 52 /
Flowers of Love 52
75 76 Sushree Kusum, Ludhiana
70.06.10 Do not ever be worried about me. Prem Ke Phool 68 /
Flowers of Love 68
130 131 Sushree Jayati, Junagadh
70.06.10 The springs of meditation are nearby. Prem Ke Phool 69 /
Flowers of Love 69
138 139 Lala Sunderlal, Delhi
70.08.17 (*2) I am thrilled with great expectations about you. The Gateless Gate 1 274 288 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York
70.09.05 Wittgenstein has said somewhere,
"That which cannot be said must not be said."
Prem Ke Phool 93 /
Flowers of Love 93
134 135 Ma Yoga Laxmi, Bombay
70.09.11 Detachment is not related with objects, but with thoughts. Prem Ke Phool 103 /
Flowers of Love 103
87 88 Sushree Maunoo (Ma Yoga Kranti), Jabalpur
70.09.15 Without doubt, how will the search begin? Prem Ke Phool 82 /
Flowers of Love 82
147 148 Shree Shiv, Jabalpur
70.09.22 It is not that only a seed is a seed. Prem Ke Phool 94 /
Flowers of Love 94
146 147 Ma Yoga Laxmi, Bombay
70.10.01 Suppression becomes attractive. Prem Ke Phool 95 /
Flowers of Love 95
141 142 Ma Yoga Laxmi, Bombay
70.10.14 Infinite hope is theism. Prem Ke Phool 90 /
Flowers of Love 90
133 134 Ma Yoga Bhagavati, Bombay
70.10.15 There is no power greater than faith in one's own self. Prem Ke Phool 100 /
Flowers of Love 100
116 117 Ma Krishna Karuna, Bombay
70.10.15 The news of the commune thrills my heart. Prem Ke Phool 139 /
Flowers of Love 139
124 125 Ma Ananda Madhu, Ajol
70.10.15 I am happy to be the witness of your new birth. Prem Ke Phool 142 /
Flowers of Love 142
105 106 Swami Krishna Chaitanya, Ajol, Gujarat
70.10.15 (*3) Love alone is now your prayer. Prem Ke Phool 145 /
Flowers of Love 145
148 149 Ma Yoga Prem, Ajol
70.10.15 I am very happy on your having taken Sannyas. Prem Ke Phool 146 /
Flowers of Love 146
81 82 Ma Yoga Priya, Ajol
70.10.15 Be of steel—it will not do now to be of clay. Prem Ke Phool 149 /
Flowers of Love 149
127 128 Swami Anandamurti, Ahmedabad
70.10.15 Sannyas is the journey to Mount "Gaurishanker". Prem Ke Phool 150 /
Flowers of Love 150
135 136 Ma Yoga Samadhi, Rajkot, Gujarat
70.10.20 Man does not live in realities; he lives in dreams. Prem Ke Phool 98 /
Flowers of Love 98
114 115 Swami Yoga Chinmaya, Bombay
70.10.25 The temple of the Lord can only be entered by a dancing,
singing, happy heart.
Prem Ke Phool 70 /
Flowers of Love 70
108 109 Sushree Jayati, Junagadh
70.10.25 Love also is fire. Prem Ke Phool 115 /
Flowers of Love 115
117 118 Shree Sardarilal Sehgal, Amritsar
70.10.25 The beginning of struggle is auspicious. Prem Ke Phool 140 /
Flowers of Love 140
95 96 Ma Ananda Madhu, Ajol
70.10.25 (*2) I hope you will be in deep meditation. The Gateless Gate 2 157 171 Ma Saraswati, Paris
70.10.25 (*2) Come here. The Gateless Gate 3 299 313 Dr. Jean Georges Henrotte, Paris
70.10.27 (*2) I know your inner condition more than you know yourself. The Gateless Gate 4 269 283 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York
70.10.27 (*3) Power is within your own Self. Prem Ke Phool 143 /
Flowers of Love 143
100 101 Swami Krishna Chaitanya, Ajol
70.11.01 The resolve of Sannyas is an auspicious beginning. Prem Ke Phool 102 /
Flowers of Love 102
113 114 Sushree Maunoo (Ma Yoga Kranti), Jabalpur
70.11.03 The meaning of Sadhana is to live in one's own nature—to live
in one's own nature—to become one's own Self.
Prem Ke Phool 99 /
Flowers of Love 99
139 140 Swami Yoga Chinmaya, Bombay
70.11.06 God alone is our wealth. Prem Ke Phool 91 /
Flowers of Love 91
76 77 Ma Yoga Bhagavati, Bombay
70.11.11 My good wishes on your new life. Prem Ke Phool 147 /
Flowers of Love 147
107 108 Ma Yoga Yasha, Ajol
70.11.12 Live in Truth—there is no other way of knowing Truth. Prem Ke Phool 73 /
Flowers of Love 73
142 143 Yogi Satyanand, Tikamgadh, M.P.
70.11.12 That which the heart seeks, it always attains. Prem Ke Phool 74 /
Flowers of Love 74
106 107 Kumari Lalita Rathor, Fatehabad, M.P.
70.11.12 The fragrance of Sannyas is to be transmitted to the world. Prem Ke Phool 148 /
Flowers of Love 148
98 99 Swami Prem Krishna, Ajol, Gujarat
70.11.13 God purifies in every way. Prem Ke Phool 71 /
Flowers of Love 71
140 141 Sushree Jayati, Junagadh, Gujarat
70.11.13 Everything changes except for change. Prem Ke Phool 104 /
Flowers of Love 104
125 126 Sushree Maunoo (Ma Yoga Kranti), Jabalpur
70.11.14 When the moon rises in the heavens above, keep gazing at it. Prem Ke Phool 114 /
Flowers of Love 114
93 94 Sangeeta Khabiya, Ratlam, M.P.
70.11.16 As the birds welcome the sunrise each morning with their songs—
so is the life-breath filled with music at the dawning of meditation.
Prem Ke Phool 75 /
Flowers of Love 75
110 111 Shree Rajendra R. Anjaria, Ahmedabad
70.11.16 God’s work alone is my work. Prem Ke Phool 76 /
Flowers of Love 76
97 98 Shree Kedar Sehgal, Neemuch, M.P.
70.11.16 Do not look for a purpose in life. Prem Ke Phool 77 /
Flowers of Love 77
122 123 Sushree Neelam Amarjeet, Ludhiana
70.11.16 Once the "I" is surrendered, there is no suffering, no pain. Prem Ke Phool 78 /
Flowers of Love 78
88 89 Shree Sardari Lal Sehgal, Amritsar
70.11.17 The mundane world is the Ultimate Liberation. Prem Ke Phool 79 /
Flowers of Love 79
77 78 Sushree Kusum, Ludhiana
70.11.17 Do not expect results in meditation. Prem Ke Phool 80 /
Flowers of Love 80
89 90 Dr. Savitri C. Patel, Bulsar, Gujarat
70.11.19 The impossible too is not impossible—if resolve is there. Prem Ke Phool 113 /
Flowers of Love 113
99 100 Kumari Hasumati, Bombay
70.11.20 In the quest for God, there is no support except infinite hope. Prem Ke Phool 101 /
Flowers of Love 101
80 81 Ma Krishna Karuna, Bombay
70.11.22 I was travelling. Prem Ke Phool 53 /
Flowers of Love 53
96 97 Shree Dinesh Shahi. Indore, M.P.
70.11.25 (3) Existence is a play of sun and shade, hope and despair,
happiness and sorrow, life and death.
Prem Ke Phool 129 /
Flowers of Love 129
101 102 Ma Yoga Prem, Ajol, Gujarat
70.11.26 The time is ripe. Prem Ke Phool 127 /
Flowers of Love 127
86 87 Ma Ananda Madhu, Ajol, Gujarat
70.11.26 How long is the energy to be left asleep? Prem Ke Phool 128 /
Flowers of Love 128
90 91 Swami Krishna Chaitanya, Ajol, Gujarat
70.11.26 In Sannyas, the mundane world is a drama. Prem Ke Phool 130 /
Flowers of Love 130
128 129 Ma Yoga Priya, Ajol, Gujarat
70.11.26 The seed has no knowledge whatsoever of its own possibilities. Prem Ke Phool 131 /
Flowers of Love 131
131 132 Ma Yoga Yasha, Ajol, Gujarat
70.11.26 God tests every moment. Prem Ke Phool 132 /
Flowers of Love 132
149 150 Swami Pragyananda Saraswati, Haridwar
70.11.26 (*3) Love does not differentiate, even in dreams. Prem Ke Phool 133 /
Flowers of Love 133
136 137 Shree Chandrakant U. Patel, Baroda, Gujarat
70.11.26 Atheism is the first step toward belief in God. Prem Ke Phool 134 /
Flowers of Love 134
144 145 Shree Bhavani Sinh, Kangra, Himachal Pradesh
70.11.26 It is not enough even to float in the current of thoughts. Prem Ke Phool 135 /
Flowers of Love 135
94 95 Shree Labhshankar Pandya, Ahmedabad
70.11.26 Security is nowhere—except in death. Prem Ke Phool 136 /
Flowers of Love 136
132 133 Dr. Savitri C. Patel, Bulsar, Gujarat
70.11.26 God is far away because we do not know how to see Him near. Prem Ke Phool 137 /
Flowers of Love 137
150 151 Sushree Jayati, Junagadh
70.11.26 What is Truth? Prem Ke Phool 138 /
Flowers of Love 138
112 113 Sushree Kusum, Ludhiana
70.11.27 (*2) I was waiting for it daily, since you left. The Gateless Gate 5 326 340 Ma Ananda Prema, New York
70.12.07 There are anxieties in life, but it is not necessary to be anxious. Prem Ke Phool 44 /
Flowers of Love 44
115 116 Shree Ishwarbhai Shah,
Jeevan Jagruti Kendra, Bombay
71.--.-- You ask for the way to make the invisible visible? A Cup of Tea (1996) 163 163
71.--.-- You ask: how far is the destination? A Cup of Tea (1996) 164 164
71.--.-- You will become more deeply tied to whatever you desire
to become free from.
A Cup of Tea (1996) 365 365
71.--.-- Do you want to ask questions? The Dimensionless Dimension 1 156 170 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- A monk asked Hyakujo Yekai:
"What is the most miraculous event in the world?"
The Dimensionless Dimension 2 220 234 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- Do not imitate anyone. The Dimensionless Dimension 3 243 257 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- The problem of life is not philosophical. The Dimensionless Dimension 4 180 194 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- Things go on changing without. The Dimensionless Dimension 5 155 169 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- In meditation enjoy doing nothing. The Dimensionless Dimension 6 186 200 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- The real thing is not to fight with your thoughts,
or desires, or instincts.
The Dimensionless Dimension 7 302 316 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- Walk as if you are not walking. The Dimensionless Dimension 8 350 364 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- There is no use for artificial and outward discipline. The Dimensionless Dimension 9 289 303 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- Wherever there are words, there is no real meaning. The Dimensionless Dimension 10 173 187 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- Life is not a detective story. The Dimensionless Dimension 11 344 358 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- The more deeply you will go within yourself—the less and less you
will find yourself, and yet, THAT is the very heart of your being.
The Dimensionless Dimension 12 285 299 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- In life everything is whole and organically whole. The Dimensionless Dimension 13 288 302 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- Leave grasping things and thoughts. The Dimensionless Dimension 14 307 321 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- Be always positive in each and every situation. The Dimensionless Dimension 15 208 222 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- The sun is rising high in the sky. The Dimensionless Dimension 16 253 267 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- Never suppress any thought. The Dimensionless Dimension 17 342 356 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- Be aware of the mind BEFORE it is stirred by a thought. The Dimensionless Dimension 18 335 349 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- Religion is not a promise for the future. The Dimensionless Dimension 19 172 186 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- Meditation does not require any application
of the mind or use of effort.
The Dimensionless Dimension 20 179 193 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- Philosophy cannot cure you of questions. The Dimensionless Dimension 21 209 223 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- Buddha says: "If the mind does not arise, all things are blameless." The Dimensionless Dimension 22 336 350 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- Fu Ta Shih says: "Each night, one embraces a Buddha while sleeping. The Dimensionless Dimension 23 226 240 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- What is meditation? The Dimensionless Dimension 24 306 320 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- One day a man came to the Sufi teacher Bahaudin. The Dimensionless Dimension 25 225 239 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- One should never be afraid of rising thoughts or desires
but only of the delay in being aware of them.
The Dimensionless Dimension 26 249 263 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- Three men made their way to the circle of a Sufi,
seeking admission to his teachings.
The Dimensionless Dimension 27 200 214 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- The Divine is that from which one cannot depart. The Dimensionless Dimension 28 230 244 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- Always see WHAT IS. The Dimensionless Dimension 29 152 166 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- The real religious experience cannot be organized,
taught or transmitted.
The Dimensionless Dimension 30 244 258 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- Mulla Nasrudin was carrying home some liver which he had just bought. The Dimensionless Dimension 31 210 224 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- Be like a dead one. The Dimensionless Dimension 32 237 251 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- Mulla Nasrudin was searching for something on the ground. The Dimensionless Dimension 33 182 196 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- A traveller stops at an inn. The Dimensionless Dimension 34 329 343 Ma Yoga Tao
71.--.-- Mind and meditation are two names of the same substance —
or the same energy.
The Dimensionless Dimension 35 316 330 Ma Yoga Tao
71.01.07 Freedom from becoming means freedom for BEING. The Gateless Gate 6 221 235 Shree Dharmendra Tukaram Dhokhe, Poona, India
71.01.15 Be in the crowd as if you are alone. The Gateless Gate 7 297 311 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York
71.01.16 When you are with me be completely at ease and relaxed;
that is, be totally yourself.
The Gateless Gate 8 258 272 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York
71.01.27 Bhakti needs only time to absorb the shock
she has come across her deep meditations.
The Gateless Gate 9 224 238 Ma Atmananda, New York
71.01.27 I live not by planning and I also feel that that is
the only way to be alive at all.
The Gateless Gate 10 204 218 Docteur C. Guinebert, Paris
71.01.28 Do not forget the search for the Divine for even a single moment. The Gateless Gate 11 317 331 Ma Ananda Prema, New York
71.02.25 Everything has happened, as it should happen. The Gateless Gate 12 303 317 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York
71.04 ~ 05 The mind is to raise questions. What Is Meditation? 1 254 268 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 Meditation cannot be taught directly. What Is Meditation? 2 293 307 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 See: this is a white paper—it contains a drawing. What Is Meditation? 3 272 286 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 Thinking is necessary, but not enough. What Is Meditation? 4 162 176 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 Man is an everlack. What Is Meditation? 5 160 174 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 John Burroughs remembers: “One day my boy killed what
an old hunter told him was a mock duck.
What Is Meditation? 6 190 204 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 The ego is necessary for both the sensation of pain
and the feeling of pleasure.
What Is Meditation? 7 153 167 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 Life goes on flowing. What Is Meditation? 8 345 359 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 Life is a sermon. What Is Meditation? 9 268 282 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 Life is movement. What Is Meditation? 10 240 254 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 A life without meditation is like a winter landscape. What Is Meditation? 11 320 334 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 One day Lin-chi was asked: “What is the essence of meditation?” What Is Meditation? 12 252 266 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 The word is not the thing. What Is Meditation? 13 151 165 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 The way of meditation is above the self. What Is Meditation? 14 184 198 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 You cannot run away from the self. What Is Meditation? 15 277 291 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 A monk asked Daishu Ekai: “What is nirvana (absolute freedom)?” What Is Meditation? 16 339 353 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 A disciple of Rinzai met a party of three men on a river-bridge. What Is Meditation? 17 261 275 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 “How can a man learn to know himself?” enquires Goethe. What Is Meditation? 18 290 304 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 Meditation is the master-key. What Is Meditation? 19 330 344 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 Existence exists in order to exist. What Is Meditation? 20 238 252 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 We settle down where no settling is possible. What Is Meditation? 21 312 326 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 There is no security in life. What Is Meditation? 22 196 210 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 In this world everything is upside down. What Is Meditation? 23 340 354 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 Takuan says: you cannot bathe in solid ice. What Is Meditation? 24 275 289 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 Do not cling to anything or any idea. What Is Meditation? 25 319 333 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 The mind lives in a logical somnambulism. What Is Meditation? 26 292 306 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 Do not believe in thinking. What Is Meditation? 27 213 227 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 The new world revealed in meditation is not something
added from the outside.
What Is Meditation? 28 177 191 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 The forms of existence are finite. What Is Meditation? 29 194 208 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 The Universe cares for little but play. What Is Meditation? 30 197 211 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 Love to be alone. What Is Meditation? 31 308 322 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 I have no special doctrine or philosophy. What Is Meditation? 32 165 179 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 There is conflict in the mind. What Is Meditation? 33 185 199 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 There is tension. What Is Meditation? 34 167 181 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 Mind is localization of consciousness. What Is Meditation? 35 227 241 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 Life becomes more authentic in encountering death directly. What Is Meditation? 36 245 259 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 Mind means duality. What Is Meditation? 37 301 315 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 Choice is the root-cause of all anguish. What Is Meditation? 38 282 296 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 Man can only know what God is not. What Is Meditation? 39 211 225 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 The past is not. What Is Meditation? 40 259 273 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 Do not be closed to the Universe. What Is Meditation? 41 309 323 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 Nothing great is ever accomplished without going mad. What Is Meditation? 42 263 277 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 Meditation requires understanding and not effort. What Is Meditation? 43 325 339 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 Meditation is beyond knowledge. What Is Meditation? 44 321 335 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04 ~ 05 Mind means consciousness somewhere. What Is Meditation? 45 241 255 Ma Veet Sandeh, Rome
71.04.14 Don't take life so seriously! The Gateless Gate 13 327 341 Swami Krishna Christ, New York
71.04.16 I know what is happening to you. The Gateless Gate 14 305 319 Ma Yoga Tao, North Carolina, U.S.A.
71.04.16 Don't think about Surrender at all—because that-which-thinks
about it is the only harrier.
The Gateless Gate 15 181 195 Ma Yoga Tao, North Carolina, U.S.A.
71.04.16 To me meditation means: be playful and transcend all seriousness. The Gateless Gate 16 256 270 Ma Yoga Mukta, New York
71.04.16 Be ordinary—so ordinary that virtually you come to be no-body. The Gateless Gate 17 286 300 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York
71.04.17 A small boy with a penny tightly clutched in his hot little hand
entered the toy-shop and drove the proprietor to distraction, asking him
to show this and that and every thing without ever making up his mind.
The Eternal Message 3 154 168 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York (now Ma Ananda Pratima)
71.04.17 Moment to moment life passes into death. The Gateless Gate 18 206 220 Mrs. Kusum, Ludhiana, India
71.04.17 The gates of the temple are wide open—and it is only after
thousands of years that such opportunity comes to this earth.
The Gateless Gate 19 233 247 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York
71.04.18 Begin the following meditation from tomorrow. The Gateless Gate 20 332 346 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York
71.04.19 Yes—you were related to Yoga Vivek in one of your past lives. The Gateless Gate 21 270 284 Ma Yoga Mukta, New York
71.04.19 You write me that without me you cannot pass through the gate
and with me you will not pass through the gate.
The Gateless Gate 22 349 363 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York
71.04.19 Go on discarding—Not this, Not this (Neti— Neti). The Gateless Gate 23 215 229 Ma Krishna Karuna, Bombay
71.04.19 It is tragic but true that few people ever possess their souls. The Gateless Gate 29 187 201 Ma Dhyana Siddhi, New York
71.04.19 Be empty and you will know. The Silent Music 1 251 265 Swami Krishna Saraswati, Bombay
71.04.20 Materialistic societies produce hollow men. The Eternal Message 1 341 355 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York (now Ma Ananda Pratima)
71.04.20 Only God Is — that is why it is so difficult to find Him. Turning In 1 188 202 Ma Yoga Mukta, New York
71.04.22 Reason is not enough. The Eternal Message 4 174 188 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York (now Ma Ananda Pratima)
71.04.23 Never to have seen the truth is better than to have seen it
and not to have acted upon it.
Turning In 2 248 262 Ma Yoga Mukta, New York
71.04.24 Now man knows more about man than ever. The Eternal Message 5 228 242 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York (now Ma Ananda Pratima)
71.04.24 Man is not the end. Turning In 3 347 361 Ma Yoga Mukta, New York
71.04.25 That which is never lost cannot be found. The Gateless Gate 30 324 338 Shree Inderraj Anand., Bombay
71.04.25 Yes, there is a WAY. Turning In 4 315 329 Ma Yoga Mukta, New York
71.04.26 Do not continue circling in the old rut. The Gateless Gate 24 239 253 Mr. Michael Graham, London
71.04.26 Life does not need comfort, when it can be offered meaning,
nor pleasure when it can be shown purpose.
Turning In 5 198 212 Ma Yoga Mukta, New York
71.04.27 The self can never be free. Turning In 6 232 246 Ma Yoga Mukta, New York
71.04.28 The purest ore is produced from the hottest furnace. The Eternal Message 9 250 264 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York (now Ma Ananda Pratima)
71.04.28 The secret of meditation is the art of unlearning. Turning In 7 199 213 Ma Yoga Mukta, New York
71.04.29 Man is free to decide — but not free, not to decide. Turning In 8 328 342 Ma Yoga Mukta, New York
71.04.30 Man is strange—very strange. The Eternal Message 6 191 205 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York (now Ma Ananda Pratima)
71.04.30 To be religious is to be a yea-sayer. Turning In 9 192 206 Ma Yoga Mukta, New York
71.05.01 Look at yourself without thinking, evaluating or judging. The Eternal Message 7 331 345 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York (now Ma Ananda Pratima)
71.05.01 Everything belongs to the man who wants nothing. Turning In 10 333 347 Ma Yoga Mukta, New York
71.05.02 With thought the mind has boundaries. The Eternal Message 8 175 189 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York (now Ma Ananda Pratima)
71.05.02 Goethe is said to have cried when dying: “Light, light, more light!” The Silent Music 2 346 360 Ma Ananda Sadhana, Paris
71.05.02 Be free at the centre. Turning In 11 295 309 Ma Yoga Mukta, New York
71.05.03 Just drop yourself into the Divine and be purified. The Eternal Message 10 271 285 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York (now Ma Ananda Pratima)
71.05.03 The eyes are blind—one must look with the heart. The Silent Music 3 337 351 Ma Ananda Sadhana, Paris
71.05.03 Detach yourself from all fixed ideas. Turning In 12 264 278 Ma Yoga Mukta, New York
71.05.03 Ask for nothing and you will never be frustrated. Turning In 13 159 173 Ma Yoga Mukta, New York
71.05.03 You possess only that which will not be lost in death. Turning In 14 262 276 Ma Yoga Mukta, New York
71.05.04 Meditation is like the sea, receiving the dirty river
and yet remaining pure.
The Eternal Message 12 236 250 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York (now Ma Ananda Pratima)
71.05.04 Live in the body intimately. The Silent Music 4 189 203 Ma Ananda Sadhana, Paris
71.05.05 Meditation is disciplined opening of the self to God. The Silent Music 5 265 279 Ma Ananda Sadhana, Paris
71.05.05 Man is unaware of himself. Turning In 15 287 301 Ma Yoga Mukta, New York
71.05.06 Meditate, Pray and Wait. The Silent Music 6 294 308 Ma Ananda Sadhana, Paris
71.05.06 It is impossible to conceive the Divine intellectually. Turning In 16 343 357 Ma Yoga Mukta, New York
71.05.07 There are three forms of knowledge. Turning In 17 169 183 Ma Yoga Mukta, New York
71.05.08 There is no proof of the Divine in the world. Turning In 30 280 294 Ma Yoga Mukta, New York
71.05.09 Truth is aristocratic. Turning In 18 281 295 Ma Yoga Mukta, New York
71.05.10 If the present is just continuous with the past then
it is not present at all.
The Eternal Message 30 255 269 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York (now Ma Ananda Pratima)
71.05.10 Whatever I say is nothing new, neither is it anything old. The Silent Music 7 323 337 Ma Ananda Sadhana, Paris
71.05.10 Religion is so much an experience that it cannot be
handed over by one to another.
Turning In 19 163 177 Ma Yoga Mukta, New York
71.05.11 When I say mutation—I do not mean simply change. The Eternal Message 13 171 185 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York (now Ma Ananda Pratima)
71.05.11 Live humbly and in wonder. The Silent Music 8 334 348 Ma Ananda Sadhana, Paris
71.05.12 There are things which cannot be proved. The Silent Music 9 257 271 Ma Ananda Sadhana, Paris
71.05.13 The attitude is everything. The Eternal Message 11 195 209 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York (now Ma Ananda Pratima)
71.05.13 Thought is divisive. The Eternal Message 15 216 230 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York (now Ma Ananda Pratima)
71.05.13 Do not think of others and waste your time. Turning In 20 178 192 Ma Yoga Mukta, New York
71.05.14 No ideology can help to create a new world. The Eternal Message 16 260 274 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York (now Ma Ananda Pratima)
71.05.14 Do you hear me? The Gateless Gate 25 296 310 Ma Dhyana Siddhi, New York
71.05.15 Knowledge is accumulation. The Eternal Message 18 202 216 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York (now Ma Ananda Pratima)
71.05.15 Fear cripples consciousness. The Gateless Gate 26 161 175 Ma Dhyana Siddhi, New York
71.05.15 We kneel down to ourselves. The Gateless Gate 27 276 290 Ma Dhyana Siddhi, New York
71.05.15 The whole yoga has gone dead because of imitation. Turning In 21 311 325 Ma Yoga Mukta, New York
71.05.16 Use dreaming consciously as meditation. The Gateless Gate 28 348 362 Ma Dhyana Siddhi, New York
71.05.17 Total acceptance of existence is impossible for the mind. The Eternal Message 14 235 249 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York (now Ma Ananda Pratima)
71.05.17 Be a stranger to yourself. The Silent Music 10 207 221 Ma Dhyana Siddhi, New York
71.05.17 Death is everywhere, but everyone deceives himself
that it is not for him.
The Silent Music 11 313 327 Swami Krishna Saraswati, Bombay
71.05.17 Man asks questions and then answers them himself. Turning In 22 218 232 Ma Yoga Mukta, New York
71.05.18 Always remember the golden rule: One step at a time. The Silent Music 12 201 215 Swami Krishna Kabeer, Ahmedabad, India
71.05.18 Why does man suffer? The Silent Music 13 231 245 Ma Dhyana Siddhi, New York
71.05.18 There is no answer to man's ultimate questions. Turning In 23 291 305 Ma Yoga Mukta, New York
71.05.18 Emptiness is all. Turning In 24 217 231 Ma Yoga Mukta, New York
71.05.19 Religion is living without conflict. The Eternal Message 20 223 237 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York (now Ma Ananda Pratima)
71.05.19 Meditation is a mirror. The Silent Music 14 166 180 Ma Dhyana Siddhi, New York
71.05.19 Emptiness is not really emptiness. Turning In 25 298 312 Ma Yoga Mukta, New York
71.05.19 The world itself is a punishment enough. Turning In 26 164 178 Ma Yoga Mukta, New York
71.05.20 It is very easy to progress from one illusion to another. The Eternal Message 22 322 336 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York (now Ma Ananda Pratima)
71.05.20 I know that the apprenticeship is very hard but WORTH. The Silent Music 15 304 318 Ma Dhyana Siddhi, New York
71.05.20 The journey is long. The Silent Music 16 170 184 Ma Dhyana Siddhi, New York
71.05.20 Man goes on dreaming and desiring. The Silent Music 17 214 228 Swami Krishna Kabeer, Ahmedabad, India
71.05.20 Are you really aware of what anger is? The Silent Music 18 247 261 Swami Chaitanya Veetaraga, Raipur, India
71.05.20 No more principles are needed. Turning In 27 222 236 Ma Yoga Mukta, New York
71.05.21 Life is non-fragmentary. The Eternal Message 2 300 314 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York (now Ma Ananda Pratima)
71.05.21 Truth is never second-hand. The Eternal Message 19 266 280 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York (now Ma Ananda Pratima)
71.05.21 If one is aware of the present moment, then one also
becomes aware of the fact that there is no 'me' inside.
The Silent Music 19 203 217 Swami Chaitanya Veetaraga, Raipur, India
71.05.22 Man adds everything to his ego while everything goes on without him. The Eternal Message 23 246 260 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York (now Ma Ananda Pratima)
71.05.22 Anger, violence, greed or envy cannot be overcome
by the cultivation of their opposites.
The Eternal Message 24 205 219 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York (now Ma Ananda Pratima)
71.05.22 Begin to live positively. The Eternal Message 25 193 207 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York (now Ma Ananda Pratima)
71.05.22 God is when you are not. The Silent Music 20 168 182 Swami Chaitanya Veetaraga, Raipur, India
71.05.22 Logic is not all. The Silent Music 21 234 248 Swami Krishna Saraswati, Bombay
71.05.22 Remember always the ONE who is inside the body. The Silent Music 22 338 352 Swami Krishna Kabeer, Ahmedabad, India
71.05.22 Life is a dream. The Silent Music 23 229 243 Swami Ananda Paramhansa, Jabalpur, India
71.05.22 From sound to soundlessness is the path. The Silent Music 30 273 287 Swami Yoga Chinmaya, Bombay
71.05.23 Silence is benediction. The Silent Music 24 283 297 Swami Chaitanya Veetaraga, Raipur, India
71.05.23 Ego plays a subtle role everywhere. The Silent Music 25 310 324 Swami Krishna Saraswati, Bombay
71.05.24 There is no end to man's self-deception. The Silent Music 26 183 197 Swami Yoga Chinmaya, Bombay
71.05.24 Man is not a rational animal—but only a rationalizing one.
(Reproduced as facsimile on the back-cover of Flowers of Love.)
The Silent Music 27 267 281 Swami Yoga Chinmaya, Bombay
71.05.24 Information is not knowledge. The Silent Music 28 314 328 Swami Krishna Kabeer, Ahmedabad, India
71.05.24 Yes—man learns by experience! Turning In 28 242 256 Ma Yoga Mukta, New York
71.05.25 The mind always thinks in terms of the self. The Eternal Message 26 219 233 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York (now Ma Ananda Pratima)
71.05.25 To explore truth one must be free of one's prejudices. The Silent Music 29 284 298 Swami Chaitanya Veetaraga, Raipur, India
71.05.26 Search and the ego is always somewhere behind. The Eternal Message 17 278 292 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York (now Ma Ananda Pratima)
71.05.26 A madman entered the bazar and declaimed:
"The moon is more useful than the sun."
The Eternal Message 27 158 172 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York (now Ma Ananda Pratima)
71.05.27 Knowledge is through experiencing. The Eternal Message 21 279 293 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York (now Ma Ananda Pratima)
71.05.29 The will to wholeness is inherent in everything. Turning In 29 176 190 Ma Yoga Mukta, New York
71.05.30 There was once a man who was obsessed with the idea
that there was a secret knower in those who achieved success.
The Eternal Message 28 212 226 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York (now Ma Ananda Pratima)
71.05.30 Metaphysics is born out of childish curiosity. The Eternal Message 29 318 332 Ma Yoga Bhakti, New York (now Ma Ananda Pratima)
(*1) The name has a typo in the original booklet The Gateless Gate: "Ma Khishna Karuna". The often addressed Ma Krishna Karuna is also in the salutation of same letter.
(*2) So a date in 1970 (as stated in The Gateless Gate), but reproduced in A Cup of Tea (all editions) in the chapter named "1971".
This is odd, as in The Gateless Gate these letters have been signed in 1970. These first 5 letters are the only ones dated in 1970 there. An error in the year is not likely, as the letters are in chronological order, and moreover the book has been published in May 1971. So for now we stick to the date in The Gateless Gate.
(*3) The English translation Flowers of Love states incorrect dates, see Talk:Prem Ke Phool (प्रेम के फूल)#Inconsistencies table and Talk:Prem Ke Phool (प्रेम के फूल)#Dates and Addressees.