Events to be researched

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 This page is under construction --Sugit (talk) 11:19, 18 September 2022 (UTC) 

This page shows events with not enough information to be published, under research.

Incomplete items

Here are some NEW items mentioned by Punya to add, dates should be researched.
date event
Purchase of No 33 Koregaon Park
Osho names his residence, No 33, Lao Tzu House, and No 17, Krishna House
Chuang Tzu collapses
Last time Osho personally gave sannyas

To be checked for more

Here are some links with timelines that can be checked for more "major events".
It could be a good idea to keep the "complete timeline" and this "chronology of major events" in sync, so that everything here is also in the timelines.
Here are just some examples of material from this document that COULD be useful for our list. This ONLY pertains to 1974. 

April: a mass weekly shakti pat (the last one given) is the only activity given by Rajneesh this month. Meanwhile, Dynamic and Whirling meditations begin at Empress Botanical Gardens, 3 miles from the ashram.

April 30: It is announced that Bhagwan is feeling better and has decided to stay in Poona, so Secretary Laxmi completes negotiations to purchase a second house next door at 17 Koregaon Park, to be used as an administrative center known as Krishna House.

June 11: Krishna House is inaugurated, while the street entrance to Lao Tzu is now blocked. The first monthly, 10-day meditation camps--for Dynamic, Kirtan, and Whirling--are now held at the front of Krishna House, where Radha Hall will be. The Kirtan meditation is discontinued after a month, to be replaced by many others. For the first time the master does not lead the meditations; his empty chair is brought out instead.

June/July: Bhagwan has his assistant Mukta (who had helped purchase the ashram) begin to construct a new garden outside of Lao Tzu House, a heavily forested affair that will include a pond and small waterfall. Bhagwan’s specific instructions are for her to let it grow thick and tropical. It is also around this time that the master stops dying his hair black, revealing many silver streaks in his beard which dramatically alters his appearance.  

July 4: the first Guru Poornima (“Master’s Day”) celebration at Poona is given.

Aug 11—Sep 10: (...) At this time discourses move from the porch to the terrace/veranda on the first floor of Lao Tzu House, while darshans move from the lawn to the car porch.

August: Ma Yoga Punya, who had taken sannyas at Woodlands in January, arrives in Poona and alternates between the ashram and a Bhagwan center in Italy for the next few years, before finally moving in for good in 1977. During this first stay, Rajneesh instructs her to practice a “shaking” meditation which eventually becomes Kundalini.

Fall: Some 20,000 books from Bhagwan’s collection at Woodlands, which had been sitting in boxes at Lao Tzu house, are transferred into glass bookcases lining the corridors; this essentially transforms the house into a giant library. Lalita is chosen to be the librarian and is told to arrange the books by size and color, giving a flowing, wave-like impression when seen stacked together. Each day, 5-10 books are chosen for reading by the master in his private bedroom, to be signed by him when finished. By 1981, the library had grown to an impressive 50,000 volumes.

September/October: Two new meditations, Shiva Netra (Sept) and Kundalini (first known as “Shaking,” in Oct) are introduced. While Shiva Netra is discontinued within a few months, Kundalini (which replaces Whirling) becomes one of Bhagwan’s most beloved meditations and is often referred to as the “sister” of Dynamic, to be done in the evening just as Dynamic is done in the morning. It is also at this time that Bhagwan assigns the German musician Deuter, now known as Swami Chaitanya, to compose and perform specific music to go with each meditation.

Sep 11-20: violent monsoon storms rock the ashram. A new marble auditorium for discourses jutting out from the Lao Tzu back porch and open to the garden, to be christened Chuang-Tzu, begins construction.
// End of the examples from "1974" //

See also