Yoga As a Spontaneous Happening

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"An interview with Acharya Rajneesh by Ma Ananda Prem, Sivananda Ashram, New York (U.S.A.) on 27th October 1970, Bombay (India)."
Later published in Ch.3 of The Silent Explosion and in Ch.3 of The Great Challenge.
time period of Osho's original talks/writings
Oct 27, 1970 : timeline
number of discourses/chapters


Yoga As a Spontaneous Happening

Year of publication : 1971
Publisher : Jeevan Jagruti Kendra
Number of pages : 27
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : P
Edition notes : First Edition, Copies: 5000, February 1971. © Jeevan Jagruti Kendra.
Author as Acharya Rajneesh
Publisher: Ishwarlal N. Shah, Secretary, Jeevan Jagruti Kendra, 53, Empire Building, 146, Dr. D.N. Road, BOMBAY-1
Compilation by Sw Yoga Chinmaya, Mr. Mahendra H. Thaker
Edited by Dolly Diddee
Introduction, "Āchārya Rajneesh" by Yogāchārya Swāmi Yoga Chinmaya (Kriyānanda)). This introduction first appeared in Beyond and Beyond.
Printer: Indian Press P Ltd., Varanasi Branch, Varanasi-2
  • Cover back and front.

    Cover back and front.

  • Pages 4 - 5.

    Pages 4 - 5.