The Path of the Mystic ~ 34

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event type discourse
date & time 21 May 1986 am
location Punta Del Este, Montevideo, Uruguay
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 51min. Quality: good, but a constant noise (under revision).
online audio
video Available, duration 1h 50min. Quality: good.
online video
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online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle MYSTIC34
Reader of the questions: Ma Prem Maneesha.
Question 1
Beloved Osho, you spoke the other day about the great responsibility we have to get your words out to the world. Can you say some more?
Question 2
Beloved Osho, when I heard you talking the other day about the fights between various rival factions in India I felt a moment of sheer awe at the size of the task before us. It seems that everything that human beings identify with is defined by rivalry with others, as if they only exist through the energy of rivalry. And at the root of every rivalry seems to lie a belief system or the corresponding doubt system that they hope to suppress by victory over the rival.
From the largest nation to the smallest human there appears to be an endemic disease which is about to become terminal. Is the psychology of the belief system perhaps the major disorder of mankind?
Question 3
Beloved Osho, Socrates said, "All I know is that I know nothing." You say, "To know yourself is to know everything." I want to know what enlightenment has to do with knowing anything?
Question 4
Beloved Osho, every fiber is stretched so intensely in me to let you in: This moment is so precious. And yet I know that to simply relax is the only way to be totally with you. I am reminded of the Sufi story of the enlightened archer: total focus, let-go, ping... Osho, can you please say something about this?
Question 5
Beloved Osho, a poll was taken in the United States. One of the questions was: "If you could have another man's brain for twenty-four hours, whose would you choose?" The answers just blew me away. Albert Einstein came in first, followed by John F. Kennedy -- and if you can believe it -- Ronald Reagan, third. Jesus Christ and the supreme being were way down there on the list. Osho, what has happened to man?


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