Isan No Footprints in the Blue Sky ~ 03

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event type discourse & meditation
date & time 3 Nov 1988 pm
location Gautam the Buddha Auditorium, Pune
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 57min. Quality: good.
Osho leading meditation from 1:38:58.
Live music after the discourse.
online audio
video Available, duration 1h 0min. Quality: good.
online video
see also
online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle ISAN03
Reader of the sutras: Ma Prem Maneesha. Questions are being read by Osho himself.
After discourse Osho leads No-Mind Meditation.
The sutras
On one occasion, a monk came to Isan's monastery to be taught, and, seeing him, Isan made as if to get up. "Please don't stand up!" exclaimed the monk.
"I haven't sat down yet!" said Isan.
"I haven't bowed yet," the monk said.
"You rude creature!" commented Isan.
On another occasion, Isan was watching a brush fire, and asked his disciple, Dogo, "do you see the fire?"
"I see it," replied Dogo.
The master asked Dogo, "Where does the fire come from?"
Dogo said, "I would like you to ask me something that has nothing to do with walking around or zazen or lying down" -- at which Isan left off talking and went away.
Once, Isan was asked by Ichu to compose a gatha for him. Isan replied: "It is foolish to compose one when face to face -- and, in any case, writing things on paper!"
So Ichu went to Kyozan, a disciple of Isan, and made the same request.
In response, Kyozan drew a circle on paper and wrote a note next to it that said: "To think and then know is the second grade. Not to think and then know is the third grade."

Question 1
Our Beloved Master, last night I saw for the first time that the mind need not be inimical to meditation. Does what you said about the mind accepting enlightenment also apply to its acceptance before enlightenment, of, for example, witnessing? Can the mind acknowledge that witnessing is often more useful than thinking, and so just step aside in those moments without throwing a tantrum?


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