Sufis The People of the Path Vol 2 ~ 07

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event type discourse
date & time 2 Sep 1977 am
location Buddha Hall, Poona
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 41min. Quality: good.
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video Not available
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online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle SUFIS207
Reader of the sutra: Sw Ananda Teertha.
The sutra
This interchange between the Sufi mystic, Simab, and a nobleman named Mulakab, is preserved in oral transmission as a dialogue often staged by wandering dervishes.
Mulakab: 'Tell me something of your philosophy so that I may understand.'
The mystic replied: 'You cannot understand unless you have experience.'
Mulakab: 'I do not have to understand a cake to know whether it is bad.'
Simab: 'If you are looking at good fish and you think that it is a bad cake, you need to understand less, and to understand it better, more than you need anything else.'
Mulakab: 'Then why do you not abandon books and lectures if the experience is the necessity?'
Simab: 'Because the outward is the conductor to the inward. Books will teach you something of the outward aspects of the inward, and so will lectures. Without them you will make no progress.'
Mulakab: 'But why should we not be able to do so without books?'
Simab: 'For the same reason that you cannot think without words. You have been reared on books; your mind is so altered by books and lectures, by hearing and speaking, that the inward can only speak to you through the outward. Whatever you pretend you can perceive.'
Mulakab: 'Does this apply to everyone?'
Simab: 'It applies to whom it applies. It applies above all to those who think it does not apply to them!'


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