Ma Prem Sangeet

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(Sangeet Duchane, BA (Psych), Juris Doctor)

Rajneeshpuram, 1982

Sangeet was also known on the Ranch as Lawyer Sangeet. A graduate of the University of Oregon School of Law, she is a former legal aid attorney in San Francisco and a disability rights attorney. She took sannyas in the spring of 1981 at the Berkeley Center and became Ma Prem Therese.

Late that year she went to the Ranch, living first in Antelope and then in Jesus Grove. She worked with Wadud on the Land Use Plan and became the City Attorney when the city was formed. At that time Osho changed her name to Sangeet. She later became the city attorney for the City of Rajneesh (Antelope) as well.

After the Ranch she went to the Boston area, before returning to Marin County, California. From there she went back to Pune and worked at the Osho Times and the Mystery School. She also acted as Osho’s legal researcher and his legal representative in a Bombay case. For the last two and a half years of Osho’s life she lived in Lao Tzu.

From Pune she went to Japan in 1990 and then spent four years in the sannyas community in Maui. She ended up back in Marin County,and has been on the board of the Viha Connection and the editor of the magazine off and on for many years. She currently lives in Sonoma County where she is a writer and editor.

She returned to school to get an MA degree in theology, comparing the theological models of Osho and Teresa of Avila, and has published several books in the area of spirituality.

Sangeet also has an advanced certification in hypnotherapy.

Contact Details

Sonoma County, CA
Sangeet Duchane: Editing in the Flow
Osho Viha blog

2003 : East Meets West
2004 : The Little Book of Mother Teresa
2004 : O Pequeno Livro de Madre Teresa
2004 : The Little Book of Freemasonry
2004 : Pequeno Libro de la Masoneria
2004 : O Pequeno Livro Da Franco-Maçonaria
2004 : The Little Book of the Holy Grail
2004 : O Pequeno Livro Do Santo Graal
2004 : Dreamfinder
2005 : Beyond the Da Vinci Code
2005 : Tajemnice kodu Leonarda da Vinci
2005 : Misteri e segreti del Codice da Vinci
2006 : Anleitung zum bewussten Träumen
2006 : O Pequeno Livro De Madre Teresa
2007 : The Holy Grail (2)
2007 : Svatý grál
2007 : Pequeno Libro Del Santo Grial
2007 : le Saint Graal
2007 : Freemasonry
2007 : Freimaurerei
2007 : Svobodné zednářství
2007 : Vrijmetselarij
2007 : De Heilige Graal
2010 : el Santo Grial
2010 : La Masoneria
2016 : Global Roots of Somatic Movement: Asian and African Influences
(Chapter 5 of Mindful Movement by Martha Eddy)
see also
The history of copyright claims for Osho’s work - claims and facts
The history of copyright claims for Osho’s work - questions and answers
I Am All for Fighting
Clarification and Analysis of the Most Recent Swiss Order
Ma Prem Sangeet: Open letter to the OIF management and the Inner Circle (source document)
Trademarks and copyright
The City of Rajneeshpuram