Meditation Inc.

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If work is just a four-letter word to you, be ready for a surprise. With Osho's eye-view on the subject, work has been reworked! Awareness transforms the ordinary into the awesome. Joy rules - and, apart from the fact that fun is, well, fun, it is also vital food for the creative mind.
Published in an earlier form as Awareness Inc..
Chapter 10, Quotations, has 21 page-long quotations with source.
The Bibliography lists the quotes used in the 9 preceding chapters. It starts with a remark:
Much of the material in this book is drawn from darshans where Osho gave guidance to individuals about meditation, life and work. At Osho's request, the text of these darshans is no longer in print. Below, we list the other quoted sources and suggest that if any of these topics are of interest to you, you visit where Osho's words are available as books, ebooks, downloadable aurios and in the OSHO Library which has a search function.
time period of Osho's original talks/writings
: timeline
number of discourses/chapters
10 (table of contents below)


Meditation Inc.

144 Techniques to Transform the Quality of Your Work and Life

Year of publication : 2006
Publisher : Tao Publishing Pvt Ltd
ISBN 81-7261-201-X (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 114
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : P
Edition notes : Copyright © 1953 - 2006 OSHO International Foundation.
Size : 298 x 211 x 6 mm
Editing: Prem Maneesha, Emma Ellwood-Russell, Satyam, Chetan Uti
Design: Sanjay
Typesetting: Sanjay, Emma Ellwood-Russell
Photography: Osho International Foundation
Production: Sanjay
Printing: Vikram Printers, Pune
Printed in India

Meditation Inc.

144 Techniques to Transform the Quality of Your Work and Life

Year of publication : 2008
Reprint: 2012
Publisher : Osho Media International
ISBN 81-7261-201-X (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 114
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : P
Edition notes : Copyright © 1953 - 2008 OSHO International Foundation.
Editing: Maneesha, Emma, Uti
Design: Sanjay
Typesetting: Sanjay, Emma
Production: Sanjay
Photo: Courtesy OSHO International Foundation
Printed in India by Vikram Printers, Pune.

table of contents

Introduction … 1
Chapter 1. Relaxation … 3
Chapter 2. Centering … 16
Chapter 3. Being Present … 22
Chapter 4. Self-knowing … 28
Chapter 5. Mind/Mood Mastery … 34
Chapter 6. Working with Negative Emotions … 44
Chapter 7. Accessing Positive Emotions … 54
Chapter 8. To Assist Watching … 62
Chapter 9. Relating/Communicating … 72
Chapter 10. Quotations … 84
… Bibliography … 107
… Index … 109
About Osho … 111
Osho International Meditation Resort … 112
More OSHO Books … 113
For More Information … 115