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Revision as of 14:09, 13 January 2019 by Rudra (talk | contribs)
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event type {{{type}}}
date & time {{{date}}}
location {{{location}}}
language {{{language}}}
audio {{{aude}}}
online audio
video {{{vide}}}
online video
see also
  • timeline : [[Osho Timeline {{{eventyear}}} ]]
  • first edition : [[{{{firsted}}}]] ({{{firstpub}}})
  • first edition 2 : [[{{{firsted2}}}]] ({{{firstpub2}}})
  • first English translation : [[{{{firsttransed}}}]] ({{{firsttranspub}}})
  • [[Special:WhatLinksHere/{{{firsted}}}|other editions, translations and links]]
online text {{{txton}}}
shorttitle {{{stitle}}}

[[{{{prevevent}}} | ◄ Previous event]] [[{{{nextevent}}} | Next event ►]]
[[{{{prevchap}}} | ◄ Previous in series]] [[{{{nextchap}}} | Next in series ►]]
