The Discipline of Transcendence Vol 3 ~ 04

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event type discourse
date & time 24 Oct 1976 am
location Chuang Tzu Auditorium, Poona
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 26min. Quality: good.
online audio
video Not available
online video
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online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle TRANS304
Reader of the questions: n/a; questions are being read by Osho himself.
Question 1
We have learnt from you that freedom lies in the transcendence of the mind, and it is the knowledge and the understanding of the mind which brings about its transcendence. The major part of religion deals with the mind, and so does psychology.
As modern psychology has successfully discovered and revealed the structure and process of the mind, would you call it a religion? Or a branch of religion? Or a parallel religion?
How do psychology and religion differ from each other? Kindly point out whether psychology and religion can be helpful to each other.
Question 2
If I am god, how come I wake up every morning to find myself in this body?
Question 3
Oh, dear, last night I dreamed of thousands of orange elephants all wearing malas of their white elephant king. What can this mean?
Question 4
After each of your discourses on Hassidism, I would leave glowing and feeling life is a leela to be lived fully and enjoyed. Yet when you talk about the Buddha I feel despairing and everything seems futile.
Does the Buddha ever laugh?
Question 5
Am I okay?
Question 6
Osho, is dirt really dirty?
Question 7 from Vandana
Today's discourse is the most wonderful thing I have ever heard.
Question 8 from Maneeshi
Why do you go on chattering continuously? I am fed up with you, I am bored, and I don't want to listen to you any more. It is from Maneeshi.
Question 9 from Ma Prem Maneesha
Beloved Osho, I hate to do this to you, but I can't resist the temptation. What about the robe?


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