The White Lotus ~ 01

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event type discourse
date & time 31 Oct 1979 am
location Buddha Hall, Pune
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 52min. Quality: good.
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shorttitle WLOTUS01
Reader of the sutra: Sw Ananda Teertha.
The sutra
Question: What is Buddha-mind?
Answer: Your mind is it. When you see the selfsame essence of it, you can call it suchness. When you see the changeless nature of it, you can call it dharmakaya. It does not belong to anything; therefore, it is called emancipation. It works easily and freely, never being disturbed by others; therefore, it is called the true path. It was not born and, therefore, it is not going to perish, so it is called nirvana.
Question: What is tathagata?
Answer: One who knows that he comes from nowhere and goes nowhere.
Question: What is buddha?
Answer: One who realizes the truth, and holds nothing that is to be realized.
Question: What is dharma?
Answer: It was never produced, and will never be reduced; therefore, it is called dharma, the norm of the universe.
Question: What is sangha?
Answer: It is so named because of the beauty of its harmony.


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