The Last Testament (Vol 6) ~ 05

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event type interview
date & time 31 Jul 1986 am
location Sumila, Juhu, Bombay
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 48min. Quality: inferior: a constant noise, barely audible, especially the first part. (under revision).
online audio
video Available, duration 1h 49min. Quality: not so good, first 2 min barely audible. Incomplete: missing Osho arriving.
online video
see also
online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle LAST605
CD-ROM on this chapter: This discourse will be in the book India: Coming Back Home, which has not been published, as of August 1992.
Interview. No announcement heard : unidentified Indian women and men
CD-ROM on this chapter: Press Interviews.
Question 1
You plan to settle in India?
Question 2
Why did you leave in the first place? Clarify please.
Question 3
Initially you told us that, uh, you were the first to convert to Christianity and then because of that you were driven out. But Hare Krishna and other swamiji are already there. Krishnamurti was also there. They are never driven out. Why you only were chosen for this?
Question 4
When you were in Delhi and Kulu last time there were reports that the Indian government does not want you to set up an ashram in India. Was there any truth in those reports? Do you have any problems from the government?
Question 5
So is it an indirect message to people of India to drive out the present government that is bogus (inaudible)?
Question 6
What do you have to say about Ma Sheela and Deeksha?
Question 7
Do you feel she was persecuted, or do you feel that the American government persecuted her, or do you feel that she had committed something?
Question 8
In which jail was this? In which state?
Question 9
The other five jails?
Question 10
(inaudible) question. Have you decided on the place where you will settle down in India?
Question 11
Do you have anything to say to the people who are disillusioned with you?
Question 12
A former bodyguard of yours has written a book which is being serialized in India...
Question 13
You are seen as Bhagwan.
Question 14
How will you protect your life here?... No-no, you have a contract out of you. How will you protect your life?
Question 15
What are your future plans? How long you will be in Bombay?
Question 16
Are you going to take visit of Koregaon Park of Pune?
Question 17
Bhagwan, when you left Pune, you owed the government a lot of money.
Question 18
When you were in Pune, you used to keep yourself away from people. All your disciples kept people away from you. Why? Why did you allow it? For several years, we could never meet you, we used to ask for appointments, never get them. They said you never met people. Why is it?
Question 19
Now you are in India again. You will be continuing staying here. Are you going to speak English continuously or will you be speaking Hindi also?
Question 20
Will you be writing to International Amnesty about young black (inaudible) without trial?
Question 21
(inaudible) Sri Lanka (inaudible).
(source: a transcript)

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