The Last Testament (Vol 4) ~ 09

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event type interview
date & time 20 Nov 1985 om
location Span Resort, Manali (HP)
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 22min. Quality: inferior, strong noise, barely audible (under revision). Beginning incomplete.
online audio
video Not available
online video
see also
online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle LAST409
CD-ROM on this chapter: This discourse will be in the book India: Coming Back Home, which has not been published, as of August 1992.
Interview. No announcement heard : unidentified Indian interviewer(s), man.
CD-ROM on this chapter: Interview by Dharma Yug.
Question 1
भगवान श्री, धर्मयुग परिवार और धर्मयुग के करोड़ों पाठकों की ओर से भारत में आपके आगमन का हार्दिक स्वागत है।

धर्मयुग हिन्दी की पत्रिका है। विदेशों में भी हिन्दी में ही पढ़ी जाती है। और अंगरेजी की इलस्ट्रेटेड वीकली है। जिसकी सर्कुलेशन कम है, धर्मयुग की अधिक है। धर्मयुग के डॉ. धर्मवीर भारती ने आपको नमस्कार भेजा है। और बम्बई से उन्होंने भेजा है कि मैं अंतरंग बातचीत कुछ कर सकूं और सहयोगी ने कहा है कि अंगरेजी में बातचीत होगी। परन्तु, यदि आपकी आज्ञा हो तो आप से हिन्दी में ही बात हो। मैंने अंगरेजी में इनको प्रश्न दे दिये हैं, वही प्रश्न हिन्दी में भी हैं।

BHAGWAN: अंगरेजी में उन्हें तकलीफ होगी?
Question 2
जी, हिन्दी में लिखना है। हिन्दी में हम अधिक स्वाभाविक रूप में आपके चरणों में बैठ कर बातचीत कर सकेंगे। आप ऋषितुल्य हैं। हमें अच्छा लगेगा। आपकी आज्ञा हो तो।
(source: Phir Amrit Ki Boond Padi (फिर अमरित की बूंद पड़ी) (11 talks) 1987 book edition. Text of this part of the event can be in English. It is missing on audio.)
Question 3
जी, जैसी आज्ञा। (inaudible)... Bhagwan Shree, I want to make a detailed file, and very intimate things of your great personality. And here we are much, the Indians, the whole India, whatsoever, (then in Hindi) सबको इस बात का बेहद दुख है। अमेरिका ने कितनी बुरी पाशविकता हमारे एक ऋषि के साथ की है। I want to brief (about) birth, education and learning of Indian (inaudible). This is my question.
Question 4
(inaudible) मेरे प्रश्न में philosophy because (inaudible)
Question 5
Philosia -- darshan?
Question 6
Bhagwan Shree, next question... In your early youth was there a personality or a person who inspired you the most?
Question 7
No one? Next question. What do you say about Vedic culture, Vedas, Upanishads, Gita and Mansoor?
Question 8
(inaudible). About Gita.
Question 9
Vinoba Bhave also?
Question 10
Answering I am very impressed (inaudible). You are correct. What about Manu Smrati?
Question 11
Because (inaudible). Buddhism and Jainism are quite contrary to your own darshan that I call Rajneesh-culture. Then why (do) you quote Lord Buddha and Mahavira in good words? And recently you also said in Delhi for something, that I have returned to the land of Mahavira and Buddha.
Question 12
And the next question: Have you... Charvak, rishi Charvak. Please say rishi Charvak, the founder of Dhamma. I feel that your darshan is quite similar to Rishi Charvak.
Question 13
Sir, I'm really (inaudible) a writer, I cannot (inaudible) what's that. (inaudible) half-truth answer (inaudible), but again -- will you synchronize spiritualism and physical satisfactories, like sex (inaudible)?
Question 14
Gandhi could not keep the vow.
Question 15
Thank you Bhagwan Shree. I've read your book Mahageeta. I want your (inaudible) some Hindi words -- bhog, bhakti and mukti.
Question 16
मैं ब्रह्म हूँ -- अहम् ब्रह्मास्मि -- मैं स्वयं ब्रह्मा हूँ।
Question 17
Bhagwan Shree, very good, very good. And then one question. In medieval times in India, we had a long chain of saint poets. They are not rishis, but they are saint poets; but they can be called rishis also. And Kabir, Surdas, Meera, Dadu Dayal, and modern poet Tagore. I am not inspired by Tulsi (Tulsidas) at all (inaudible), so I have not write.
Question 18
Question 19
(inaudible). What do you say about guru Nanak and the chain of ten gurus and Sikh Panth?
Question 20
Question 21
Thank you. My next question: you earned (an) unprecedented response on your frank and straightforward darshan, where there is no place for hypocrisy. I think you left India because of orthodox thinking of hypocrisy -- forced you to leave India. But in America too, you became the victim of the same human hypocrisy and double standard of that kind.
Question 22
Sir, one thing, have you noticed also... already you are a rishi. Why rishi, you knew? Indian culture is a very tolerant culture, very tolerant.
Question 23
Buddha was not a believer in God, and Patanjali was also a negative one. But they are all our Bhagavad, they are all our rishis. So have you seen this difference, when you were living there for five years (inaudible)?
Question 24
But it is still new phenomenon after (inaudible) years, after the start.
Question 25
Do you remember the question we asked? Though you (inaudible) shabby treatment given by the Americans has generated a sense of sympathy. Because of the fact that knowingly or unknowingly they have taken (inaudible). What are your feelings about this?
Question 26
(inaudible). Sir, would you tell us (inaudible) in detail what kind of conditions or mental stress you spent five years there? And who is responsible for such inhuman, shabby behaviour to you – the American people or the American (inaudible)?
Question 27
Question 28
Question 29
Question 30
Question 31
Question 32
Question 33
Question 34
Sir, till (now) you criticized about Russia, but now you praise some aspects of that country.
Question 35
I have to ask one more thing. We have heard that (inaudible) your followers there and the countries of Eastern Europe.
Question 36
And you proved it?
Question 37
Question 38
Question 39
Question 40
In the last U.N. meeting (inaudible) supporting Pakistan.
Question 41
Yes, sir. In India there is feeling that the defectors -- the former disciples of yours -- were in a conspiracy to create this trouble for you in America. Is it true?
Question 42
(inaudible) Bhagwan...
Question 43
Did he (inaudible) financially?
Question 44
Bhagwan Shree, a very (inaudible): Your (inaudible) don't believe in traditional marriage, and we were talked to it (inaudible).
Question 45
(inaudible) never (inaudible).
Question 46
Because you don't believe in the (inaudible)?
Question 47
Sir, we feel that your own sect or the Rajneesh-culture or your sannyasins (inaudible) in developing (inaudible) land of Oregon. (The) American people should have... you have answered that. Bhagwan, why such (inaudible)?
Question 48
Yes sir. Have you any plan to develop such a huge land in Rajasthan or in any other part of India? So that our people can know how to develop (inaudible).
Question 49
But if the government... Any state government, any government of India?
Question 50
Yes, sir. (inaudible) model (inaudible).
Question 51
This type of thing (inaudible).
Question 52
And (inaudible) the land?
Question 53
We have built Disneyland at the place of Dhirendra Brahmachari in Haryana (inaudible).
Question 54
But one thing, can you think about building (inaudible) in Delhi (inaudible) cultural center (inaudible).
Question 55
Himachal Pradesh chief minister Shri Virbhadra said that if Bhagwan Shree says that he wants a place in Himachal Pradesh then... Do you have any plan to stay in Himachal Pradesh permanently? (inaudible) asked what are your feeling (inaudible). They should offer.
Question 56
Which (inaudible) dry place or a hilly area -- Rajasthan, Gujarat, Haryana?
Question 57
(inaudible). Yesterday a newspaper with a malicious view wrote its editorial. (inaudible) it is said (inaudible) because Manali and Kulu (inaudible). How (inaudible) your reaction towards that. So I want to challenge that newspaper (inaudible) threatened (inaudible) drug (inaudible).
Question 58
Question 59
Question 60
(inaudible) or animosity towards the Indian people (inaudible)?
Question 61
Question 62
(inaudible) Bhagwan (inaudible) last. (inaudible) Please give a message to Dharmayug for Indians living in India and abroad.
(source: a transcript)

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