Adhoori Vasna ~ 01

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अधूरी वासना ~ 01

event type writings
date & time 28 Nov 1953
location Jabalpur
language Hindi
see also
online text
A romantic story was published in "Nav Bharat" (Hindi daily newspaper) in Jabalpur, dated 28 Nov 1953, and later on August 23, 1984 in "Nav Bharat" again. An English translation was published in Osho Times International, 1999:2, pp. 51-53 and in Sw Ageh Bharti's book Beloved Osho, ch 5 titled "Unfulfilled Desires". (Source: Osho Source Book)
Ageh Bharti writes in chapter 4 :
"Adhoori Vasna" was the story by Osho published in "Nav Bharat" (Hindi daily) of Jabalpur, dated 28 Nov. 1953 with an editorial note. The same story went to the Press on August 23, 1984 and was published in 'Nav Bharat" again with a note by the editor. This story with both the notes is being produced here word to word.
The editorial note -November 28.1953:
"Adhoori Vasna" is a romantic story by the writer, the basis of the theory of re-birth is the unfulfilled desires of life, the story writer writes somewhere else; "This physical body is full of desires but the desires are not because of the body, instead the body is because of the desires". These unfulfilled desires go even beyond this life and take a new form. The cycle of birth and re-birth is the ultimate result of this unfulfilled passion - chiefly, of this is the theme of the story by the writer.
The editorial note -August 23, 1984 :
"Acharya Rajneesh has had a deep-rooted link (association) with Jabalpur in reaching the road to Bhagwan Rajneesh from Acharya Rajneesh. Nearly thirty-one years ago Shri Rajneesh had sent a romantic story to be published in Nav Bharat. This is the story by Rajneesh who not only in India but is now widely known to the entire world for his unique thoughts and new values of life. The story is being published in the 'Nav Bharat' with the same note by the editor that was given on 28 Nov 1953."
The story is a carbon copy of the original and is being re-produced here.
This is the English translation as presented in 'Beloved Osho (2012) pp. 104 - 107 :
5. Unfulfilled Desires
I was alone in my lonely path. With me were my song and the moonlight stretching far and wide lent romance to the wayside narrow-paths of the mountains. Nights were becoming cold and snow had started falling on the peaks of the tall mountains Barely a month hence will snow-balls wet the narrow paths; the rivers will be frozen and turned into silver waves and snow shall shine on the tops of these black mountains likening them to the encircling white flowery shining buns.
Lost in my reverie I went walking on and on. At times a stray bird would fly over tearing the nocturnal silence and making the tonely waves echo with its fluttering wings. And, then the cold silence of the night would return like the trembling waves lapsing into silence like the pebbles falling upon the bosom of the flowing river.
The youthful midnight moon was shining in all its glory and a lonely cloud was trying to swim around. A thought came to me; there is someone with the moon to give company but none - none to share moments of my solitude. I cast my glance towards the distant and lonely vales and then looked back at my barren twenty -five - year long span of life which now seems to me not more than a dark, long and lonely valley. This thought saddened me and I then resumed humming the song that had been suddenly left unsung.
White clouds kept shrouding the moon for long and then settled there. And, then for a moment, a thin layer of darkness settled over me in the form of the whiteness of the moonlight.
My narrow path had now taken a turn. Initially, there was a slight slope and then a long-winding ascent, which made its way through the pine trees of the mountains. At the end of this ascent was my village where my old mother had been waiting for me. I started descending the slant. Beyond and across the yonder valley shimmered in the moonlight, the wide stream of the river 'Shail'. Moreover, on the stream was visible a boat-like white spot and sweet melody echoed from the flute dashing against the vast mountains.
I stopped singing and started listening to the sweet music flowing from the flute. The silent life of the valleys was by and by filled with the floating soft music and I started drowsing as if one is intoxicated and the night of the mountains turned slowly into a sweet dream.
The slope of the narrow pathway was to end now and the way to my village shone like a golden skin of a snake. The music emanating from the flute was becoming deeper and the boat was about to meet its bank slowly. The moon was kissing the waves and at distance a piece of white cloud appeared tangling behind the tall pine trees. Lost in dream, I started descending the rough pathway. My destination was beckoning me upwards but my heart was ebbing. I felt as if someone was pulling me downwards and I was almost unable to hold ground.
The music from the flute was becoming deeper and deeper and the river was coming closer. I started descending down through the tall trees of the bank. The pathway now was full of sand and the end of the hillock was not very far off from me. Cold breeze, kissing the waves touched me. The end of my shawl flew back and my breath started becoming ice-cold. Breathing in I would feel as if icy ribbons were getting buried deep down in the heart.
At last, the pathway got lost into the sand. By this time, I had come down the hills.
The huge boat with its swanlike sail was approaching the bank. The moon shone overhead and my long shadow, narrowing, had reached my feet.
The song of the flute became sweeter and I was inhaling the sweet music. Sensing its sweetness I went on and on and found myself standing by the bank. The shimmering waves welcomed me and some bird sitting over the bank left the shore and flew far across.
The boat stopped where I was standing and made the ripples tremble struggling with each other. The sound of the music flowing from the flute became still deeper and suddenly broke down like a china pot dashing against the strong ground. The sound echoed in the vales and a loud and sweet laugh was heard coming out from within the boat. That laughter was sweeter than the music flowing from the flute. This sent a thrill in my body and the sound of the sweet music fell over my beating heart like the flowers of a broken garland.
Some moments of deep silence elapsed and I could hearthe beats of my heart clearly. Then some one came out and suddenly the moonlight shone brighter.
I looked at the figure without a wink of my lashes. She started laughing then and the lotus in my heart trembled. Who she was I know not but I felt somehow that we had known each other for ages and the enchanter of my dreams was standing in front of me.
The moon was dancing on her bee-like deep black eye balls and a black lock of hair was flowing on her moon-white cheeks. For a while, she looked at me and then said, "Come to the boat". Her voice had the fragrance of flowers and the freshness of the morning dews. For a moment, I hesitated. Then like a madman as if drawn by some magic, I climbed the boat. Due to my climbing, the boat trembled a little like the morning southern breeze shaking the soft and fresh petals of a flower. The ripples rose and the sleeping shadow of the moon on the 'Shail' broke and got scattered.
She had wrapped herfair body with a thin sky blue saree and her long hair was flowing loose. The hidden beauty of her body could be perceived filtering out of her thin saree as if someone hid the silvery light of the moon in its thin folds. I kept looking on and on at her beauty and got lost in it. She went back and lifting the curtain said in a very sweet voice, "Come in".
I could not refuse - I did not have the courage to. She went inside and lifting the curtain, I followed her. She took my hand in both her own and returning peeped into my eyes. Her full breasts were touching my bosom. My entire being was thrilled and I felt as if all was lost in a big cipher. She took me in her arms and put her passionate lips on mine.
Magic touch of her beating heart filled my entire being with new touches. I melted, and my consciousness became one with the intoxication of her deep embrace.
My consciousness returned in the morning. I found myself lying down on wet sand and the morning sun was gradually rising from behind the mountains. I looked around. There was none. Far away was visible a fisherman's tiny hutment hidden in the grass like a philosopher's head.
I rose up and stepped towards the hut. Every pore of my being was listless and heavy and the incident of the previous night kept lingering long in memory.
I narrated the entire incident of the night to the old fisherman. His countenance was serious when he uttered, "You are fortunate indeed that you are still alive. Leave the valley as soon as possible. The embrace that held you through the night was not of a living being. That was the soul of a dead prostitute whose desires have remained unfulfilled".