Ma Anand Devika (English)

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(Devika Angela Rosamund)


She was born in Kent, England, UK and took sannyas in Pune in July 1976.

She says:

I have written about my sannyas in my book Love Song for Osho. Osho gave me his blessings for writing this book two years before he left the body when I was in Poona (now called Pune.) I have spent many years in Pune working and meditating there.
I have also written another book in English entitled The Road East to India. It’s the diary I wrote in 1976 at the age of 22 when I travelled overland to India from U.K. and Amsterdam (stopping in Amsterdam for six months before getting on the overland bus to India). I ended up finding Osho and Osho’s ashram in Poona which I have described fully in the published diary in the last three chapters and where I stayed for two months before returning to U.K. to finish my studies as Osho advised me to do. I was studying Comparative Religions and Philosophy at Teachers Training College in Bristol where I finally received a B.Ed degree from Bristol University. I then returned to Pune coming and going regularly to work and meditate there for the next 45 years.

Contact Details


2007 : Love Song for Osho
2016 : The Road East to India
2016 : The Haunted Painting on the Wall
2020 : The Haunted Staircase
see also