Ma Deva Waduda (American)

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(aka Ma Prem Leela Lovegarden)

Waduda was an American based in Italy, not to be confused with the other Ma Deva Waduda, an Italian based in the US.

She left her body on 30th September 2017 and is survived by her life partner Sw Deva Wadud, now known as Prasad.

She had been a disciple of Osho since 1977. She was co-director of the Osho School of Mysticism in Pune and of the Osho Institute of Esoteric Science in Sedona, Arizona, USA. With over 20 years experience as a therapist and meditator, she created the Osho tarots and invented the method of experiential astrology. She is co-author, together with Prasad, of the book The Alchemy of Transformation and of The life you love (ebook), together with Alvina and Prasad (translated into Italian, La vita che vuoi: Le leggi interiori dell’attrazione (Pb).

see also
The City of Rajneeshpuram
Leela (aka Waduda) (Osho News) obituary
My wonderfully weird psychic moment with Leela (Waduda) (Osho News)
Sw Deva Wadud