Gita Darshan

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"According to me, I would call Krishna 'the father of psychology'. He is the first individual who has understood the wavering mind, the mind which is in conflict. He has seen the mind full of sorrow, the will power being fragmented - and has tried to bring integrity, unity and wholeness to the mind. He is the first individual who has introduced psychoanalysis and has explored the human mind." (Osho)
translated from
Hindi : Gita Darshan, Vol 1 (गीता दर्शन, भाग एक)
Gita Darshan Adhyaya 1 - Adhyaya 18. Translated by Ma Yoga Videh.
Notes on the translation:
"Osho's discourses in Hindi on the Bhagavad Gita were given in the early 70's over a period of several years, and published in Hindi as a series of 8 voumes, under the title of Gita Darshan.
This volume contains Osho's discourses on Adhyaya 1 (Vishad Yoga) and Adhyaya 2 (Samkhaya Yoga) of the Bhagavad Gita.
Please note that Osho has translated into Hindi and interpreted the original Sanskrit 'shlokas' of the Bhagavad Gita, and refers to them throughout the whole series, not as 'shlokas' , but as 'sutras' . We have maintained his definition.
We have translated the 'sutras' from Hindi into English, hence this translation of the Bhagavad Gita has a unique flavour, which comes from Osho's original translation and interpretation of the 'shlokas' from Sanskrit into Hindi.
In this translation, the 'sutras' follow the same numeration as in the original Sanskrit version of the Bhagavad Gita."
time period of Osho's original talks/writings
from 1970 : timeline
number of discourses/chapters


Gita Darshan

Discourses on Adhyaya 1 Vishad Yog - The Yoga of Sorrow; Adhyaya 2 Samkhya Yog - The Yoga of Knowledge

Year of publication : 2012
Publisher : Full Circle Publishing, New Delhi, India
ISBN 978-81-7621-229-8 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 594
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : P
Edition notes : First Paperback Edition, 2012.
First publication Copyright © 1970, 2012 OSHO International Foundation. Copyright ©-all revisions 1953-2012 OSHO International Foundation. © 2011 for the English Version by Vaidehe Vadgama and Alvaro Ruffo della Scaletta.
Translation: Ma Yoga Videh
Editing: Sw Chidananda
Acknowledgement: We would like to thank Ma Yoga Manju. She has an extensive knowledge of Sanskrit and, being one of the first disciples of Osho, has listened to Osho's Hindi discourses over a period of more than forty years. She has helped us 'draw out' the subtle meanings of Osho's original Hindi talks, as those meanings are often related to ancient Sanskrit words.
Introduction: September 2011, Ma Yoga Videh, Sw Chidananda
Contains a biography of Osho (5 pages), Notes on the translation (1 page) and Glossary (5 pages).