Talk:Ka Sovai Din Rain (का सोवै दिन रैन)

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As promised, some stuff:

Dharamdas may not have been exactly Kabir's CHIEF disciple but he was important, and his lineage is a large part of Kabir's lineage. He is said to have authored an epic poem, Anurag Sagar (Ocean of Love), sometimes also attributed to Kabir.

About the editions of Osho's book, some facts were gathered from here and there and fitted together. There is only one source for the first edition being in 1978, but that is included uncritically. The image at right seems authentic as the cover of an otherwise missing edition. It is from an ebook page, where such images are usually faithful (if small) representations of original book covers. It has Osho's name (as Osho) so it would be 1989+.

About the transliteration, other renderings include Sove and Sovae, both of which are fairly common, though Sovai is "correct" and gets more useful results. -- Sarlo (talk) 23:45, 20 May 2014 (PDT)

प्रवचन (TOC):
1. सत्संग पारस है
2. जागो-अभी और यहीं
3. प्रेम पाठ है-विद्रोह का
4. मुझे एक झरोखा बना लो
5. जीवन-ध्यान-मंदिर का सोपान
6. सत्संग की कला: संन्यास
7. प्रेम नाव है
8. चित की आठ अवस्थाएं
9. सत्संग की मधुशाला
10. अथक श्रम चाहिए
11. मूल में ही विश्राम है