Zen masters in Osho's talks (source document)

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This page is an adaptation of (an adaptation of) a document that is no longer on the (searchable) net as of Apr 2015 but is archived at Archive.org. The author, an American Chan/Zen and Osho enthusiast and Chinese scholar called "Oshobob", has researched deeply in the history of Chan/Zen and made pages for each master Osho has commented on, complete with a short bio-history and Osho quotes. Linking them all together is a chart tracing their master-disciple lineages. The intermediate adaptation referred to above has attempted to sift the mountain of data Oshobob amassed and address the (relatively few) anomalies in the original and make it more accessible and streamlined. It can be found here, and links to (adaptations of) individual pages for each master.

Names shown in the "charts" below are all Chan/Zen masters on whom Osho comments. Note that most of them are Chinese but emphasis is given to the Japanese versions of their names, as those are the ones Osho mostly uses. Where he uses the Chinese names, it is per the now somewhat obsolete Wade-Giles romanization, so that usage is followed here, with apologies to Pinyin enthusiasts.

Notation used relates to lineage:
1. Italic = having no known disciples on whom Osho comments or a short specified lineage (in parentheses).
2. Underline = part of a lineage continuing on to the next underlined master.
3. ** = Lineage continues in a separate box below.
4. xMB = x master(s) between, ie in that master-disciple lineage that Osho did not comment on. Oshobob's site has names for them all and pages for many of them, though few are as detailed as for those Osho mentions.
5. †† = Lineage continues in Japan. Oshobob's detailed lineage history only went as far as Japan. He has all of the Japanese Zen masters Osho has talked about too, but for the most part not their lineage connections.

Gautam Buddha ==> Mahakashyapa ==> Ananda ==> 11 MB ==> Nagarjuna ==> 12 MB ==> Prajnatara ==> Bodhidharma ==> Soji + Dofuku + Doiku + Eka (Huike) ==> Sosan (Seng Ts'an) ==> Doshin ==> (5 MB Dorin) + Gunin ==> Jinshu + Eno (Hui Neng) ==> (Nanyo Tangen) + Yoka + Nangaku** + Seigen**

Nangaku ==> Ma Tzu ==> Shokei + Daishu + Gosetsu + Kin'gyu + Shih Kung + Ryuzan + (Banzan Fuke) + Teng Yin Feng + (Kisu 1 MB Massan) + Enkan + (Mayoku Ryosui) + Roso + Seido + Ukyu + Shui Lao + ((Daibai + Ho Koji) 1MB Gutei) + (Nansen Tsu Hu + Chosha + Rikuko + (Joshu Koko + Yen Yang)) + Hyakujo ==> Daiji + Goho + (Guishan Da'an Daizui) + Shen Tsan + Isan** + Obaku (Huang Po)**

Seigen ==> Sekito ==> Daiten + (Choshi Sekishitsu) + Shodai + (Tanka Tennen Suibi (Shohei + Tosu)) + Tenno** + Yakusan**

Isan ==>

Tenno ==> Ryutan ==> Tokusan ==> (Ganto Zuigan + (Lo Shan Myosho + Tenjiku)) + Seppo ==> Ku Shan + Chokei + Kyosei + Hofuku + (Ummon Tozan (Shusho) + (1 MB Chimon Setcho)) + (Gensha Jizo Hogen 1 MB Joten Dogen)

Obaku (Huang Po) ==> Bokushu + Haikyu + Rinzai ==> Tanku + Sansho + Koke ==> Nanyin ==> Fuketsu ==> 2 MB ==> Hui Chueh + Sekiso ==> Suigan + (8 MB ==> Eisai††) + (2 MB ==> Goso**)

Yakusan ==>

Goso ==> (4 MB Mumon) + Engo ==> (5 MB ==> Daikaku††) + (5 MB ==> Shoitsu††) + (6 MB ==> Daio Kokushi††)

JAPAN: There were many currents and lineages taking Chan into Japan, where it became Zen. As mentioned above, Oshobob does not show their internal lineage connections, perhaps because his knowledge of Japanese language and culture was less, or perhaps their historical records on this theme are less complete than the Chinese equivalents. Whatever.

Below, the first column shows those who first brought Zen into Japan, crossing the significant cultural, language and just plain geographical gaps. Some were Chinese "missionaries" (C) and some Japanese seekers (J) who went to China and returned enlightened to teach in their country. Lineage connections are shown where known.

Eisai (J)
Daio Kokushi (J)
Shoitsu (J)
Daikaku (C)
Bukko (C)
Seisetsu (C)
Dogen (J)

                Tetsugyu        Mamiya             Hakuin → Torei → Gasan Jito
→ Daito Kukushi           Muso       Yagyu Tajima           Shoju
          Foso           Bankei       Ryokan               Hakuju
Takuan             Ekido → Mokusen         Gasan Joseki → Basui
→ Chiyono         Nan'in           Ikkyu     Manzan
          Basho               Kakua             Ekkei → Dokuan
→ Koun             Fugai             Shichiri Kojun           Kosen