Come Follow Me, Vol 1

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Osho makes a clear distinction between the rebel called Jesus Christ and the religion that followed after him - Christianity. Through the gospels of Matthew, Luke and John he reintroduces Jesus as a man, a mystic and an uncompromising master filled with love, fire and compassion. A treat for those in love with Jesus' words.
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Later published as part of Osho Books on CD-ROM.
Originally the series was published as Come Follow Me.
Later planned to be published as four volumes under the title Come Follow To You. (Probably only Vol 1 and 2 were actually published.)
Later title again amended to Come Follow Yourself, used for audio tapes distributed in March 1992, but not published as a book under that title yet.
Later (1981) also published as Words Like Fire.
time period of Osho's original talks/writings
Oct 21, 1975 to Oct 30, 1975 : timeline
number of discourses/chapters


Come Follow Me, Vol 1

cover: Talks on the Sayings of Jesus Christ
title page: Talks on Jesus

Year of publication : 1977
Publisher : Rajneesh Foundation
ISBN 0-88050-034-4 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 280
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : H
Edition notes : First edition 1977. © Copyright 1976 by Rajneesh Foundation.
Size : 220 x 146 x 24 mm
Author as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
Published by Ma Yoga Laxmi
Editor: Ma Satya Bharti
Compilation: Sw Anand Devesh
Design: Sw Anand Yatri
Printing by The Book Centre Ltd., 6th Road, Sion East, Bombay-400 022
Introduction: Sw Anand Bodhidharma