Talk:Nahin Sanjh Nahin Bhor (नहीं सांझ नहीं भोर)

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About Charandas, no big deal. He is apparently not "notable" enough to have a page in en.wikipedia, so there is this from G**gle Books, edited by Harry Aveling as it happens: Sahaj Prakash.

Charandas was born in Dehra, near Alwar in Rajasthan, in 1703. He was initiated into sannyasa by the divine sage Sukha Deva at the age of 19 and, after many years of meditation in the forest, established an ashram in Delhi, where he lived and taught until his death in 1782. He shared in the radical openness of the sant mystical poets, emphasizing devotion to the guru and the importance of sharing in a spiritual community that was not based on caste. Charandas was the teacher of Sahajo Bai and Daya Bai, and Osho has also spoken on both of these enlightened women. For brief details see Sant Charandas and this, edited by myself : Sahaj Prakash].

Sw Anand Haridas Jan 1, 2015

रवचन (TOC):
1. भक्त का अंतर्जीवन
2. प्रयास और प्रसाद का मिलन
3. जग माहीं न्यारे नहौ
4. सदगुरुओं की निंदा
5. भक्ति की कीमिया
6. पात्रता का अर्जन
7. गुरु कृपा योग
8. संत क्यों बोलते हैं
9. मुक्ति का सूत्र
10. अभिनय अर्थात अकर्ता-भाव

Likely the text-TOC above is from OMI's 2013 edition. Aside from dropping the question-titles of the 1978 RF edition, it can be seen that there is a solid match-up. -- doofus-9 06:29, 22 September 2017 (UTC)