Past the Point of No Return

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Past the Point of No Return is a compilation of Individual experiences of sannyasins (disciples) with their master Osho and life thereafter.
During the last few decades vast numbers of people worldwide left their jobs, families and homes to embark on a journey that turned their lives completely upside down. Do you want to know who those people are? What inspired them to do so? Where did they go? All of them have one thing in common: they felt an inner pull, an overwhelming urge to meet Osho, the most controversial spiritual master known throughout the ages.
These are the stories of several such people who recount openly the circumstances which ultimately led them to become disciples of Osho. You will intimately come to know each individual as they share their inner and outer journeys that have catapulted them past the point of no return. From arduous physical travels to intense inner explorations, there is never a dull moment. Be aware that after reading their stories, your life might never be the same again."
Ma Anand Bhagawati
see also
Past the Point of No Return at the Indian distributor DKPD
Review on Osho News
The book has been serialized on OshoWorld: Past the Point of No Return Every story in it has been reproduced there. See below for a list of participating story-tellers.


Past the Point of No Return

Inner and Outer Journeys

Year of publication : 2010
Publisher : DKPD
ISBN 9380397903 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 556
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : P
Edition notes :

Following are those who told their stories in this book, with links to their wiki pages if any, and an identifying factoid, with dates of having left their bodies if known. In a few cases, there are uncertainties about who is who, indicated by ?**, = see discussion for details.

Sw Prem Azima, Italian
Ma Deva Priya, Neelam's daughter
Sw Deva Anupam, NY
Ma Anand Gayan, German
Ma Prem Anado, Italian, lb 2015
Sw Anand Devopama, Brit lb 2018
Ma Prem Atta, Peru
Sw Anand Neerava, London
Sw Prem Nirvano, German
Ma Premrup, US ?**
Ma Nirava Sohana, US
Ma Anand Vandana, NZ ?**
Ma Yoga Punya, Swiss
Sw Deva Jayapal, NY
Ma Sunder Avinasho, German
Sw Anand Guenter, German lb 2020 ?**
Ma Anand Bhagawati, Austria
Ma Deva Sneha, German
Sw Deva Ananya, German
Ma Prem Amrita, Bangalore
Ma Premdaya, Sydney
Ma Dharm Jyoti
Sw Rammurthi, Canada
Sw Dayanand Bharati, Munich lb 2019
Sw Gyan Anatto, Rome
Ma Deva Nandan, German
Ma Prem Tao, Toronto
Ma Prema Veena, ZA
Ma Prem Sahaja, Australia
Ma Prem Mangala, Brit lb 2012
Sw Chaitanya Keerti, India
Ma Somadevi, Madagascar
Sw Deva Rashid, London
Ma Prem Aupama, US
Sw Swatantra Sarjano, lb 2024
Ma Prem Homa, Koln lb 2022
Ma Deva Garimo, German
Ma Deva Shanta, Munich
Ma Prem Pankaja, Brit
Sw Deva Navanit, Berlin
Ma Prem Fatima, India
Ma Deva Renu, US
Ma Prem Jeevan, US lb 2013
Ma Ananda Sattha, Australia
Ma Shantam Anuradha, Swiss