Ma Prem Pankaja

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(Dinah Brooke)

Pankaja was born in 1936 in Scunthorpe, England. She took sannyas in 1975 and presently lives in London. Before taking sannyas she was a novelist, but has since become a film-maker, specializing in documentaries. Osho answered many of her questions in discourse. One especially piquant hit she reports: when asking him about "talking away my creativity", she received comments like "third rate, trashy novels".

From the "About" page of her film website:

In the late 1950’s I studied film for a year at the first London Film School in Electric Avenue, Brixton, then joined Samaritan Films, a small documentary company in Soho. I worked with some amazing film makers, like Kevin Brownlow and John Krish, however the union was a closed shop back then and after few years I still didn’t manage to get in, so decided to write novels instead – of which 4 were published.

I then spent many years in India at the ashram of the enlightened mystic Osho, and continued to do so after his death in 1999.

On a visit to Tibet in 1986 my camera was stolen, and I found that all the footage I had already shot was blank – so decided this was not a medium for me, and didn’t pick up a camera again for almost 30 years. In 2008 I visited a Chinese Kung Fu Master with my friend Veena Schlegel, and thought it would be a good idea to document the Kung Fu, so bought a cheap camcorder. Later on that trip I went back to India, and visited a Ramana’s Garden a Children’s Home in Rishikesh, north India, started by another friend Deva Dwabha, and filmed some of the children there. I returned to both places several times and continued to document their work.

Luckily, in the digital age it is now possible to edit and produce a finished film at home, on ones own computer – though at first the guys in the Apple shops were a great help. I did at onetime buy a professional camera, but basically found that a high end Camcorder was much easier to handle if you are doing everything yourself.

So I have been making short documentary films for the past 12 years, usually in places where I happen to be travelling, and with friends, or with people I know, and about issues that I’m interested in. Most of the films have been shown at various film festivals around the world.

Contact Details

descriptions and embedded videos, including many of her short documentary projects, shot mostly in far-flung Asian locations
2023 : Lord Jim at Home
see also
her story, as told in Bhagawati's book, Past the Point of No Return
Osho News search results, many stories featuring her