Hiding Out with The Enemy

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Carl Masi, a well-educated East Coast carpenter living in the San Francisco Bay Area, cresting sixty, staggers from one catastrophe to another as his life falls apart. He's been dedicated to Zen for decades, has a nasty Inner Critic which robs him of any peace of mind, and falls for every illusion possible. The reader gets an insider's look at what the mystery of Zen is really like for a regular guy. Carl wrestles with a cascade of adversities by applying his Zen teacher’s guidance and the hard-won insights of years of Zen practice, aided by the timely intervention of a deeply caring Catholic priest. The book portrays the spiritual path not as many imagine it to be—a single life-changing epiphany after which all is forever well—but the journey as it is, full of blind alleys, setbacks and periodic redeeming insights from within the crucible of day-to-day living and being.
Rico Provasoli (Sw Prem Richard)
see also
Excerpt on Osho News
Review on Osho News


Hiding Out with The Enemy

A Zen Carpenter's Tale

Year of publication : 2024
Publisher : Independently published
ISBN 979-8328434621 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 244
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : P
Edition notes :

Hiding Out with The Enemy

A Zen Carpenter's Tale

Year of publication : 2024
Publisher :
Number of pages : 212
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : E
Edition notes :